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The Trick For Winning A Slot Every Time (Revealed By A Bus Driver).

The Trick For Winning A Slot Every Time (Revealed By A Bus Driver).

Making a slot is the hardest maneuver to do in a car.

Especially when there's a line of cars waiting to pass behind you!

The pressure is at its peak. Result, we lose our means and we have to start the niche again...

Fortunately, here is the trick revealed by a bus driver to succeed in a time slot every time . Watch:

The Trick For Winning A Slot Every Time (Revealed By A Bus Driver).

  • How to
  • Result

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How to

1. Stand 60 cm from the blue car, with your rear bumper parallel and the wheels fully turned.

2. Back up with the wheels fully turned until the red car's license plate appears in your left mirror. This means that you are making a 45° angle.

3. Now line up the wheels and back off.

4. Stop backing up when the front of your car has passed the blue car's bumper.

5. Staying stationary, turn the wheels completely to the left. Then back up slowly without touching the red car.

6. You are parked!


There you go, you have succeeded in your niche easily :-)

This trick explains how to make a niche on the right, but it works the same for a niche on the left.