We're going to make our New Year's resolutions.
After a few days, if you haven't already given up, you will quickly realize how difficult it is to hold them.
So how do you stay motivated and go the distance ?
The situation is well known:
When the new year arrives, you are always full of motivation to make big changes in your life...
...and become a better person.
Some say "Monday, I quit smoking". Others announce "I am starting a diet and I will have lost 3 kg before the end of January".
Finally we all heard "from next week, I will run every morning before going to work".
We fall more rarely but it does happen, on resolutions like "before the end of the year, I speak Chinese".
Sometimes we even decide to do everything at the same time:"I'm going to exercise every morning, I'm quitting smoking, I'm losing 3 kg and I'm speaking Chinese before the end of the year!"
Studies show that only 12% of us manage to keep our resolutions. How come 88% fail?
Only one resolution should be chosen. The one for which we are most determined. Solving the problems one by one is always easier.
To weigh the pros and cons. Are there any aspects of my resolution that I'm having trouble with and where I might fail? If you start a diet, think that you will be able to eat less often with your friends for example...
Believe in yourself and set a "realistic" goal.
It's not a dream, it's a resolution. It is necessary to set a quantifiable and realistic objective and to know that you have all the qualities to achieve it:motivation, time, resources and support from those close to you!
Deciding to lose weight is an "achievable goal " if we are sure we can put everything in place to get there. Otherwise we risk finding all the possible excuses and stopping.
Break down your objectives into several steps.
For those who have decided to jog every day, start with 1 jog during the week and 1 on the weekend. If you get there after 2 weeks then increase the pace and lengthen your race times.
Don't make the same resolution every year.
Choosing a new resolution allows you to start on the right foot rather than having in mind the failures of past years.
So try to choose a resolution that is close to your heart and even that makes you happy, such as going for massages or treatments more often!
Happy New Year everyone!