There are those who keep absolutely nothing in the trunk of their car .
And there are those who have enough to survive 3 whole weeks!
So, how to choose between these 2 extremes?
Fortunately, we have prepared a list of the 30 things that every motorist must always have at hand .
Of course, you can always buy an emergency kit already made in the trade, like this one.
This type of emergency kit contains, among other things, jumper cables, a towing strap, a warning triangle, a high-visibility safety vest, a manual recharging torch, a pump, a whistle and an anti-icing squeegee.
But it is quite possible to do it yourself. Why ? Because you probably already have most of the things you need at home!
Without further ado, discover the list of 30 essential things that you must always have in your car. Watch:
There's nothing worse than having a flat tire on the side of the road and realizing that the spare tire is flat because it hasn't been changed since the last puncture. (Yes, it has happened to me before!). To be ready for any eventuality, here's what to keep in your trunk:
• Spare wheel (in good condition), as well as a good jack and a crank, because without these tools or a charitable soul to help you, the spare tire is useless. In case you forgot, here's how to change a spare tire. Also, if your wheels are equipped with anti-theft bolts, make sure that the appropriate key is always in the car.
• Tire sealant, which can plug a leak (and save you from using the tools above) and give you enough time to drive to the next garage.
• Jumper cables, because even the best of us can end up with a dead battery. By the way, click here to learn how to start a car with a dead battery. But don't forget to familiarize yourself with your car's engine, just in case this one is a little different. You can also keep a jump-starting device, which will help you restart your battery on your own without having to rely on the help of a good Samaritan.
• Car manual , which is usually in the glove compartment.
• Manometer (pressure monitor). As we explain in this article, checking tire pressure regularly can help improve vehicle handling. It also serves to save fuel, improve the life of your tires and can even save lives.
• WD-40 multi-purpose adhesive tape and anti-seize.
• Car repair history . In your glove compartment, always keep a business card from your mechanic, the telephone number of your assistance and your insurer, the insurance certificate and an accident report.
Maybe you already have a survival kit at home. If you spend a lot of time in your car and park it near your home, then you can just keep this kit in your trunk. Otherwise, you can also prepare a 2nd survival kit, a little lighter and specifically dedicated to your car. Either way, here's what to keep in your car to be fully prepared in case of an emergency:
• First aid kit.
• Flashlight.
• Multi-function tool.
• Matches or other utensil to start a fire. Also keep a candle in a box, in case of emergency during very cold periods.
• Energy snacks or survival rations (freeze-dried meals).
• Water bottles.
• Autonomous radio with solar panel or crank.
• Emergency hammer tool for breaking windows and cutting seat belts in an emergency. Keep it handy in your glove compartment and not in the trunk, of course. Also remember to watch the tutorial to break a window without a hammer.
• Light sticks and warning triangle (must have), so you don't get knocked down on the side of the road at night.
• Road Maps . Yes, the old-fashioned paper ones! Otherwise, remember to download the maps on Google Maps to be able to access them even without a network. Here's how to do it here.
• Anti-frost squeegee.
• Survival blanket, to stay warm in the event of a storm.
• Cardboard or fall of carpet , to put under the tires if your car slips in the snow, as we explain in this article.
To discover: 25 Essential Tips For Your Car In Winter.
Besides all these basic essentials, you can also keep the following things in your car:
• Paper towels or homemade cleaning wipes.
• Tissues or toilet paper roll.
• Pen and paper .
• Umbrella.
• Cash, in case of emergency.
• Homemade shopping bags, in case of an unplanned visit to the supermarket.
• Blanket to lay on the floor to warm up in case of emergency, but also to go to the park, to a football match, or any other outdoor activity.
• A change of clothes , because they can also be very useful in an emergency. Indeed, if you experience a rain or snow storm, it is better to wait for help in dry clothes.
• Solar charger with USB ports to charge your phone.
• Inflatable mattress for sleeping in the back of the car (one of the cool things to have if you have to improvise a night in the car!).
There you go, now you know what things you should always keep in the car :-)
Of course, our list of essential accessories is not exhaustive, and you can adapt it according to your needs.
Some would say that it's a bit too much to keep in your car all the time...
But believe me, all these things take up much less space than you think and are very useful in case of a problem!