It's no longer a secret...
...bees are threatened with extinction because of pesticides.
This is called colony collapse syndrome.
However, this is not inevitable.
Everyone at their level can fight against this phenomenon.
How? 'Or' What ? Thanks to a few simple gestures to put into practice.
Here are 8 effective actions to help bees in your area:
The disappearance of bees would be a disaster for our planet. But the economic impact would be just as significant.
Did you know pollination is about $153 billion (about 140 billion euros) in the global economy?
Yes, thanks to its contribution to agriculture, the bee is a major economic player.
Studies have been carried out by an independent group of 53 scientists to try to understand why bees are disappearing.
Their conclusions are clear:neonicotinoids, which are among the worst pesticides, poison the bees that come to forage on the contaminated plants and kill them slowly.
Thus in France, beekeepers in certain regions such as Auvergne or the Pyrenees have seen a loss of 50% or even 100% of their honey production.
But there is still time to help them! To do this, here are 8 simple and effective actions to help bees survive.
A fight of David against Goliath that deserves to be fought!
Against this threat, the first weapon is information .
It is important for every citizen to know and be aware of the danger that weighs on bees and more generally on agriculture.
Because without bees to pollinate nature, agriculture has a lot to worry about!
A threat clearly hangs over this vital sector for man.
The role of bees in the reproduction of plants and flowers is so important that some see the disappearance of bees as a prelude to the disappearance of humanity.
Without bees and therefore without pollination, no less than 130 types of crops are at risk.
Just remember to put in your cart a jar of honey produced in your region.
You can find it in supermarkets, in markets, in organic stores, or on the Internet here. Remember to check its origin.
This is concrete support for beekeepers near you. In addition, honey is a delicious food, full of virtues. It can very well replace sugar.
An ancestral remedy all over the world, honey has incredible properties:antiseptic, toning, healing...
Each honey has its own specific virtues depending on the plant foraged.
In addition, honey is an excellent natural sweetener. Rich in vitamins and macroelements, honey sweetens better...than sugar!
But it's a hell of a job for our little bees. To make 1 kg of honey, they must forage 1 million flowers and do the equivalent of a trip around the world to forage!
To discover: Which Honey To Choose According To The Symptom You Have? Follow Our Guide.
Whether you have a garden, a balcony, a terrace or just a few pots on the windowsills, make it a haven for bees by planting organic flower seeds.
Play on diversity and put as much as possible. If you're lucky enough to have a nice lawn, don't mow it too often to give the little flowers time to develop.
Reserve a wild space in a corner of your garden where you will hardly ever pass the mower.
It will quickly become the favorite area for bees and other insects thanks to the biodiversity that will develop there.
Bees love so-called honey plants. They provide pollen, but also protein and nectar to bees. They also allow them to feed themselves and live longer.
Dahlias, lilies, nerine, Abyssinian gladiolus (Gladiolus callianthus, or Acidenthera) are friends of bees. In autumn, they appreciate the varieties of crocuses which provide rich food for the winter.
If your soil is dry or calcareous, opt for poppies, oregano, camelina, cardoons, yellow reseda.
If your soil is moist or cool, prefer greater burdock, chicory, goldenrod, bugloss or phacelia.
Yes, even bees need a drink (of water)! With all the kilometers they travel, it's normal.
It's not about making a swimming pool in your garden!
A small, shallow container will be perfect otherwise the bees may drown...
For example, you can install a water trough for them with marbles in it as explained here so that they can easily land on it.
Indeed, it is important for the bees to be able to supply themselves with water near their hive.
It is essential to dilute the honey that will feed the larvae and to refresh the hive.
We have every reason to think that the fauna and flora suffer from the use of pesticides and phytosanitary products.
To save bees, give up all pesticides and herbicides in your garden and vegetable patch.
Don't worry, it's not that complicated and you'll save money!
For example, if you need to eliminate weeds, use baking soda. Or you can also weed with white vinegar.
In both cases, these 2 products are just as effective as commercial weed killers and have no impact on the environment.
To discover: 23 Ingenious Tricks To Simplify Your Gardening.
Why not build a shelter for the bees in your garden?
It will be very useful to them come winter!
You can build it yourself by following this video tutorial for example.
It is also possible to buy one already quite cheap here.
To help the bees, everyone can sponsor a hive (or part of the hive).
This is a useful step for creating new hives and increasing the bees' chances of survival.
You can sponsor an entire hive or join several people to sponsor a hive.
A sponsor adopts 4,000 bees and each hive houses nearly 40,000 bees. We can therefore put up to 10 to sponsor a hive.
Small reward, the godfather will see his name inscribed on the hive or on the jars of honey.
And the icing on the cake is that you receive jars of honey from your bees. You can treat yourself to them or offer them to make your friends aware of this cause.
You can find information on this site
A new threat to bees:the Asian hornet .
Ten of these critters can single-handedly destroy an entire hive!
This is very bad news for bees who are already suffering from a drop in their population in the hives...
The beekeeping sector is further weakened.
Asian hornets have a habit of nesting in spherical nests that are easy to recognize.
If you see one, don't risk destroying it. Notify your town hall who will do the necessary.