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Why does car rental make it easy to reduce your transport budget?

Why does car rental make it easy to reduce your transport budget?

Do you live in a big city?

You don't use your car every day?

Here's why renting a car when you really need it is much more economical than keeping your vehicle.

Did you know that your car costs you 4000€ per year on average?

These figures were obtained from the INSEE website (see the study) and the French car budget varies greatly depending on your standard of living as well as where you live.

What is certain is that the transport budget represents a very high share of the annual household budget:around 14%. It is the third after accommodation and food.

If you live in a big city, this solution should interest you. It is more interesting to rent a spacious car that can accommodate the whole family, than to buy a large vehicle to be maintained all year round.

If you're tired of paying insurance, paying parking tickets, being stuck in traffic, looking for a parking space, constantly increasing gas, and maintenance that your mechanic charges you a fortune, then get rid of your car.

Yes, it's radical, but the solutions for living without a car on a daily basis are numerous and more obvious than you might think.

Public Transport For Less Expensive Daily Trips

1. Faster

As for short trips in town, doing without your car and taking public transport may seem restrictive, but you will see that you will save time. Public transport is faster, especially during rush hour.

2. Mandatory 50% coverage

Unlike your car, public transport is 50% covered by your employer.

3. Additional benefits

The advantage of having a public transport card such as the navigo pass (which is now de-zoned at weekends) is that it gives you access to other forms of transport such as the very practical Vélib for the weekend or even to get to work (if you're athletic and don't live too far from your job).

Rent a Car Punctually

A little romantic weekend? A trip to the countryside with the family? A trip to IKEA?

A car can be useful in a lot of specific situations. We didn't say never get in a car again. Here are the solutions to rent a car when you really need it.

1. Car rental between individuals:the flexible and economical solution

We have often spoken to you about renting a car between individuals. It's ideal for going away for the weekend or to go to IKEA. You will find cars from 20€ per day with drivy or ouicar.

2. Carpooling:The most economical solution.

To go on vacation or weekend, the cheapest is carpooling. This solution, which we practice regularly, has the merit of being user-friendly and very economical. On the other hand, it applies more to people who travel alone or as a couple.

To find out more about carpooling, discover our tip here.

Carpooling can also be practiced within a company and allow you to get to your work with your colleagues by getting into their car. Some large companies already offer in-house carpooling systems. Nothing prevents you from seeing if one of your colleagues lives near you to offer him from time to time to carpool with him. You share the cost of gas and travel together.

Even to go to IKEA, there is a carpooling system. Read our tip about it.

3. Short-term rental:The classic solution

Renting your car from a rental company is still often the only solution available. This solution is still much more advantageous than keeping your car all year round.

So you can rent a car from Hertz, sixt for a short time and still save on your transport budget.