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Inexpensive Cinema Tickets for Under 26s at Gaumont, UGC and MK2.

Inexpensive Cinema Tickets for Under 26s at Gaumont, UGC and MK2.

Have the major cinema groups noticed a drop in frequentation of their cinemas by people under 26?

Probably since there are several of them offering attractive prices that we have grouped together for all the clever young stingy people.

We cannot say that the weather is summer everywhere in France, far from it.

Before the good weather returns (hopefully), you might as well take the opportunity to treat yourself to a few good times in dark rooms.

The under 26s are a big winner at the moment in several cinemas.

The Gaumont-Pathé group, UGC, or the MK2 make promotional offers aimed at people under 26 years old ranging from 3.90 to 4.70 euros.

How can I benefit from this reduction?

The first thing to do is to find out about the website of your cinema to check if it offers this offer and if not to look at which other cinemas in the area are priced lower.

At the Pathé-Gaumont des Gobelins in Paris, or even that of Rennes and Besançon, to give a few examples, places are sold between 4 and 4.70 for those under 26 on presentation of their identity and loyalty card. This card is free and allows you to win a session after 5 points. One session is equal to one point. Yet another way to save.

To benefit from a session at 3.90 euros, you have to go to the MK2 library.

As far as UGC are concerned, it's the same principle as for Gaumont, some cinemas offer these reductions and others don't. Given the number of cinemas in France, it seems difficult not to find what you are looking for.

In summary, if you are under 26, find out about the current offers before going to a cinema, a seat for 4 euros may be waiting for you in another located just a few meters from the usual one.

For information, these offers do not work for 3D movies but for all other good movies, and there are some right now.

Savings achieved

A cinema ticket, even when benefiting from the student rate, varies between 7 and 10 euros depending on the cinema. Benefiting from a session at 4 euros does not require any calculation to realize the savings made. Combining pleasure, culture and tips, nothing better to forget this autumnal month of July.

These offers are quite regular, certainly punctual but interesting. They are not the subject of a big advertising campaign, let's keep an eye open to always save a little more.

And you? Do you often go to the cinema? What are your tips for not paying too much? Let us know what you think in the comments.