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3 Unusual Ideas for an Unusual New Year!

3 Unusual Ideas for an Unusual New Year!

You are tired of always doing the same thing on the evening of December 31 ?

Well, this year it's decided, we innovate.

I unearthed 3 unusual ideas for you to spend a truly extraordinary New Year!

We always try to find an innovative idea for the evening of December 31, then we end up going back to this famous restaurant that we know by heart or, even worse, we accept any invitation so as not to find ourselves alone.

But this year, no more hassle ! I made it my mission to find for you 3 original ideas for a memorable New Year.

1. Go on an adventure!

When you always have to plan everything, it quickly becomes boring, so this year we don't prepare anything and we go to an unknown destination . Are you following me?

In the car with some friends who are dear to me, I program my GPS to a new destination that I don't know yet and off we go.

Of course, I don't forget to put on some good music in the car to set the mood.

Any place can be an excuse to have fun , a forest for example if you like mystical atmospheres. And why not have a good game of snowballs? Laughter guaranteed!

2. Dare to disguise

To transform an ordinary New Year's Eve party into a unique event, there's nothing like a theme party with disguises.

Don't hold back, go all out, organize little games , riddles, a musical quiz around the theme you have decided to highlight.

For a successful evening, where everyone will play the game , the choice of theme is important and, above all,the desire given to guests. After several failures, I found unstoppable solutions!

First of all, I don't hesitate to create a Facebook page of my New Year's Eve party, accessible to my guests. Last year I chose the theme of Musicals , and my page was covered with photos of John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John in Grease, among others.

Then I organize the competition for the best disguise . I choose two or three friends who organize the evening with me, and we form an impartial jury! A key for the winner(s), a bottle of Champagne or a good box of chocolates!

3. Give time to an association

Don't like to party too much? To avoid being alone on the evening of December 31, why not help an association?

Associations are always looking for volunteers to keep company to those in need on New Year's Eve.

If you want to participate in this type of operation, go to the volunteer space site to find the New Year's Eve that tempts you the most.

And you, what did you plan to do on December 31? Tell us about your best New Year's Eve party in the comments.