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1 Simple Tip To Wash Your Car Without Wasting Water.

1 Simple Tip To Wash Your Car Without Wasting Water.

The sunny days are coming and with the desire to wash down its car.

Stop! No need to pull out the garden hose and spray your beautiful car.

Today washing your car is more and more expensive in petrol stations. Doing it at home often rhymes with a garden hose...

No need to tell you that your monthly consumption will take a hit. And then, even if we are not 100% green, we know that all this drinking water is average to wash a car!

So here's a silly little trick, but something to think about. So to avoid consuming too much water, follow the guide...

1 Simple Tip To Wash Your Car Without Wasting Water.

Economy, economy

Simply by filling a bucket with soap. Instead of hosing down your car, soaping it up and then rinsing it. You fill a 5 l bucket with soap and water (why not water from a well or your water collector!)

And then you use a soft sponge that lathers well to scrub, scrub, scrub!

If it's a small model, a bucket is enough, otherwise you can possibly change the water when it becomes too black... (Yes, it's true, it's been a year since we cleaned it Titine, it was time!)

And afterwards, only after having generously soaped it (not to say lovingly!) you can use the hose to rinse it.

With this trick you will be able to save substantially on the maintenance of your car.

Proof by the stats

Did you know that to clean a car with a garden hose, it takes about 300 liters of water.

It's 100 l more than to fill a bathtub,twice the average consumption of water of a French person per day!

• A 5-minute shower:75 l, then use 4 times more water for his car than for himself... Me, that amazes me!

So, yes, we love it, we're even proud of our "beautiful - car - bought - on - credit", but all the same, it hurts a little to see so much drinking water going straight into sewers. No?

You have other tips for washing your "beautiful - car - bought - on - credit";-) Come and explain them to us in the comments!