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15 Tips To Make Life Easier For Anyone Who Rides A Horse.

15 Tips To Make Life Easier For Anyone Who Rides A Horse.

Do you ride a horse? Or do your children ride horses?

So you know that a rider's life can quickly become a real obstacle course! Especially on a competition field!

Between all the equipment you have to buy and the organization you need to have, it's not easy.

Fortunately, there are tricks to simplify your life as a rider.

We have selected 15 effective and inexpensive tips to make your life easier.


1. No more slippery saddle pad thanks to strapping

15 Tips To Make Life Easier For Anyone Who Rides A Horse.

Are your saddle pads still packing up from their rack? Simply wrap hook-and-loop strapping all the way around the saddle rack.

And There you go ! Your mats will stay in place no matter what. Remember to do the same on the racks of your truck, ideal during transport! To get it, it's here.

2. Baby diapers to cure a hoof abscess

15 Tips To Make Life Easier For Anyone Who Rides A Horse.

Not always easy to treat since the horse must put his foot down and is in contact with the dirt. To insulate it from the ground and keep the treatment in place, use a baby diaper!

Lay the center of the diaper under the hoof. Close the diaper around the horse's fetlock with the diaper's adhesive tabs. Add hook-and-loop strap if needed.

Effective and economical, the foot will heal much faster.

3. Kraft paper to keep the clay moist

15 Tips To Make Life Easier For Anyone Who Rides A Horse.

To optimize the laying of clay on the limbs, use kraft paper.

Cut 4 pieces of paper to the exact size of the limb. Dip them in a bucket of water. Wrap them around each clay limb. Apply the rest strips on top.

This allows the clay to stay wet longer and therefore to be more effective.

You are in competition and do not have kraft paper on hand? Do not panic ! Use your old bibs, a food paper bag, or just the old competitor lists from completed events!

4. Pimp your obstacle bars with colored adhesive

15 Tips To Make Life Easier For Anyone Who Rides A Horse.

Tired of painting and repainting your bars? Use this quick and easy trick for flashy and original bars:colored adhesive tape.

They come in all sizes and colors. All you have to do is let your creativity run wild!

5. Turn pallets into storage shelves

15 Tips To Make Life Easier For Anyone Who Rides A Horse.

Do you need more storage in your grooming area? Recycle wooden pallets and turn them into shelves by leaning them vertically against the wall.

And now, each product is stored in its place and easy to access. This trick is also valid for the whole stable.

6. Reuse ribbons from your old streams

15 Tips To Make Life Easier For Anyone Who Rides A Horse.

You are in competition with the Kick-King and you do not have a red ribbon to put in his tail?

Simply use ribbons from an old stream and pick the ribbon of the perfect color. Red for a kicking horse, green for a foal. The trick is played and you are serene for relaxation.

7. Assign a color to recognize the height of the bars

15 Tips To Make Life Easier For Anyone Who Rides A Horse.

Tired of dismounting after each jump to go up the bars? Use colored tape on your stanchions.

Measure precisely and once and for all the dimensions of each hole. Apply a color to each height. For example 90 cm =yellow. 1 st =blue. 1 m 05 =green.

There you go, no need to be a pro, your friends can now help you! Just ask them to raise the bar on the green!

8. Use baby potties as support

15 Tips To Make Life Easier For Anyone Who Rides A Horse.

To create a homemade cavaletti stand, use baby jars. And no, they're not just for babies.

Buy them in a "Foir'Fouille" type store, they will cost you much less than in a professional upholstery.

Remember to choose rubber pots and not plastic ones. There will be no breakage in the event of an unfortunate stride.

9. Use your rest bands as chaps

Have your chaps just torn? Worse, you forgot them at home?

There's nothing worse than riding without protection:the stirrup leathers pinch the skin of your legs.

A very simple solution exists:bandage your legs with the rest bands of your horse. And presto, in the saddle and without risks!

10. Recycle canisters to make a grain measure

15 Tips To Make Life Easier For Anyone Who Rides A Horse.

Grain measurements? We lose them, we break them... To always have one on hand, cut the bottom of a plastic container to make a kind of shovel.

Save the canister handle. There you go, you save ten euros thanks to this clever recycling.

11. Scratch your protections on a wall

15 Tips To Make Life Easier For Anyone Who Rides A Horse.

Your protections lying around everywhere, the pairs are dissociated? For efficient and clever storage, stick Velcro strips on a wall, in your closet or the upholstery of your truck.

Scratch each pair together on the device. You just have to shoot to unhook them. Convenient and ultra-fast.

12. Use baby wipes to clean

Ideal for cleaning your horse's eyes and nose. Use baby wipes.

Also perfect before a presentation. They will be used to polish your boots before entering the competition field. In short, it is the lethal weapon of the careful rider.

13. Use silica sachets against mold

15 Tips To Make Life Easier For Anyone Who Rides A Horse.

To prevent your equipment from molding in your storage trunks, use these small sachets of silica found in shoe boxes.

14. Use an erasable marker to manage your time

It is often difficult to manage your time well in competitions. We forget the hours of passage, the tasks to be performed, the order of the horses to present...

A very simple trick will help you to stop stressing for nothing. Your ally:the erasable marker.

Write your tasks on the plastic part of your truck or van (make sure the surface is erasable). Clear tasks as you complete them.

There you go, no need to run around, you save time to concentrate on the event.

15. Use detangling spray to make winter mowing easier

To make grooming easier, apply mane detangling spray all over the horse's body. No dirt will cling to the dress.

You will save precious time for grooming, especially on a competition day.

Also use this trick before winter mowing. The clipper blades will slide more easily, your horse will no longer notice the passage of time.

The result will be clean and silky! No more mowing.


There you go, now you know how to make your life easier if you ride a horse :-)