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The 11 tips to remember for your beach days.

The 11 tips to remember for your beach days.

Want to have a great time at the beach?

These tricks are for you!

Plan your day and don't let the unexpected ruin your life.

How? 'Or' What ? By following the directions in the image below.

Here are the 11 tips to remember for your beach days:

The 11 tips to remember for your beach days.

1. Do you have sand stuck to your hands and feet?

Bring a bottle of baby powder (talcum powder) with you to the sea. Take a handful and rub your skin to remove the sticky sand.

Click here to see the trick.

2. Want to hide your keys?

Take an empty sunscreen bottle. Clean it well and dry it. Put your keys, your money and your mobile in it so as not to tempt thieves. In addition, your belongings are protected from water.

Click here to see the trick.

3. Need to keep the snack cool?

Fill a freezer bag with water and freeze it for an ice pack. After snacking, empty it and store your wet bathing suit in it.

Click here to see the trick.

4. Tired of your towel flying away?

Sew pockets at the corners. Put your things in it so that the towel is heavier and does not fly away.

Click here to see the trick.

5. Don't want to bother with a cooler?

Bring a cooler bag to store your fresh produce without taking up too much space.

6. Are your ears blocked?

Blow 3 or 4 times in a balloon to remove the water from your ears and unclog them.

Click here to see the trick.

7. Do you have a lot of sand in your hair?

Use a vacuum attachment to remove sand from your hair. Do not try on long hair!

8. Have you been stung by a jellyfish?

Rinse the sting with sea water. To remove the venom, put sand mixed with water on your skin and scrape with a shell or pebble.

Click here to see the trick.

9. Did you break your flip flops?

Use a bag tie (of sandwich bread or brioche for example) to temporarily repair your flip-flops.

Click here to see the trick.

10. Want to protect your phone from sand?

Put it in a freezer bag. The touchscreen even works with the bag.

Click here to see the trick.

11. Don't want to burn your hands on the wheel?

Turn the steering wheel 180° when parking.

Click here to see the trick.