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45 Life Lessons Written By My 90 Year Old Grandmother.

45 Life Lessons Written By My 90 Year Old Grandmother.

People often tell my grandmother how much she doesn't make her age...

They think she's only 60 when she's 90!

Why do they think that? Because she is always full of life!

And she decided to celebrate her beautiful age by sharing with us 45 lessons that life taught her.

It's short but full of inspiration. It really makes you think...

So here are the 45 life lessons from my 90-year-old grandmother :

45 Life Lessons Written By My 90 Year Old Grandmother.

1. Life isn't always fair, but it's still wonderful.

2. When in doubt, take small steps to give yourself courage.

3 . Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4 . Don't take yourself too seriously. Nobody else takes you seriously anyway.

5. Repay your credits every month.

6 . You don't have to always be right. Agree to disagree.

7. Crying with someone by your side is more healing than crying alone.

8 . Start saving for your retirement today.

9. When it comes to chocolate, all resistance is useless.

10. Make peace with your past. So he won't spoil your present.

11 . There's no shame in letting your kids see you cry.

12. Do not compare your life with that of others. You have no idea what they went through.

13. If a relationship "must" remain secret, it is surely that this relationship should not exist.

14. Life is too short to feel sorry for yourself. Do not stop at the slightest failure and move forward.

15. You can pass through all the tests if you know how to keep your calm in all circumstances.

16. A writer does nothing but write. If you want to be a writer, write as much as possible.

17 . It's never too late to make your childhood dreams come true. But that is up to you and no one else.

18 . If you want to achieve what you want in life, don't be put off by a simple "no".

19 . Light candles, use nice sheets and put on fine lingerie tonight. Don't save them for a special occasion. Today is a special day.

20. Always prepare thoroughly and then let fate do its thing.

21. Get eccentric right now. Don't wait until you're old to wear purple.

22. The most important sex organ is the brain.

23. Nobody is responsible for your happiness but you.

24. With each so-called "disaster" or failure, ask yourself this question:"in 5 years, will all this still matter?"

25 . Forgive everything, everyone.

26. What people think of you is absolutely none of your business.

27. Time heals almost everything. Leave time to time.

28 . No matter how good or bad a situation is, it will pass.

29. Your job won't take care of you when you're sick. Your friends will. Keep in touch with them.

30. Never lose hope and believe in miracles.

31. What doesn't kill you actually makes you stronger.

32. Becoming old belies the other possibility:dying young.

33. Your children will only have one childhood. Make it awesome!

34. Go outside every day. Miracles await you around every corner.

35. If we made one big pile with all the people's problems, seeing other people's problems, we would quickly pick up our own.

36. Don't question life, go for it and make the most of it.

37. Get rid of anything that is not useful, beautiful or enjoyable.

38. In the end, all that matters is to have loved.

39. Jealousy is a waste of time. You already have everything you need.

40. The best is yet to come.

41. It doesn't matter how you feel today:get up, get dressed and be where you need to be.

42. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

43. If you don't dare to ask, it's sure you won't get anything.

44. Sometimes know how to keep a low profile.

45. Life is not presented with a pretty ribbon, but it is nevertheless the most beautiful gift.