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On the way to the Eurovision Song Contest

OMG! I'm going to the Eurovision Song Contest! And how happy I am. Euphoric even! Because a girl's dream comes true. Well, almost then. Because my big dream was to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest on behalf of the Netherlands. Uh yeah… as a headliner. Like a cross between Celine Dion and Duncan Laurence. But my road to the Eurovision Song Contest is slightly different.

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Fascination for the Eurovision Song Contest

My fascination for the Eurovision Song Contest started a long, long time ago. In my pajamas I was allowed to watch a part of the spectacle in front of the TV. I thought it was fantastic. All those different countries that, at the time, played their most beautiful song in their own language. The singers in beautiful dresses, singers in tight suits. The orchestra in the orchestra pit and the commentary by Willem van Beusekom. I thought it was fantastic! This is what I want when I grow up. Participate in the Eurovision Song Contest.

Frizzle Sizzle

Together with a childhood friend we agreed that we would participate together when we grow up. I believed in it. Because gosh, I was a jazz ballet. I couldn't sing yet, but I'm sure I learned that. When Frizzle Sizzle participated in the song contest, I was almost 12 years old, I was really sure. I want and can do that too. Barefoot singing and dancing with friends on the big stage.

Singing qualities

My childhood friend and I grew older and went our separate ways, though we never lost touch. Every time we saw each other, the song contest came up. We are going to participate! Ever. While she is very musical, and continued to develop in this, my singing talent only manifested itself after at least one bottle of wine. Once sober I realized all too well that I should not rely on my singing qualities. Even as a backing singer I would never make it to the Eurovision stage. My way to the Eurovision Song Contest really has to take a different route.

National preliminaries

In the past, there were still national preliminary rounds, with varying successes. But even that podium was far too ambitious for me. Anyway, I remained a fan of the Eurovision Song Contest. That whole circus, I loved it. And still. Every year I have my own favourites, I cheer for the Netherlands at every point and I accuse various countries of favoritism. But I always watch! I don't know why exactly, I just love it.

Towards the Eurovision Song Contest

I am not an expert. I'm just a big fan. Don't ask me who won when or what all the participants are called. I just really enjoy the whole spectacle. And now I am really on my way to the Eurovision Song Contest. My childhood friend texted me recently. “Whether I want to go to the grand final family show” on Saturday afternoon, May 22. “How sweet is that. She had already bought tickets last year. But because the song festival could not take place because of Corona and fewer people are now allowed to attend, everyone with a valid ticket received a code. This gave you a priority chance to win tickets for 2021.

Once in a lifetime

Still, I didn't say yes. That may sound strange as a big fan. I had some doubts. I already had other plans that day and because of Corona I thought it was all quite exciting. We have adhered quite well to the Corona measures for more than a year and to be present in a room at such a large event now felt strange. But because of Corona I have also come to realize more and more that you should enjoy life to the full and hang the garlands yourself. And I'm just going to do that. Because this really is a “once in lifetime experience”. I quickly text her back that I would love to come if she can get tickets.

Emma Wortelboertje

And then she calls me on Saturday 6 May. Erika, we are going to the Eurovision Song Contest. The tickets are in! I do “Emma Wortelboertje”. Because really, am I happy! Not normal. I'm just going to the Eurovision Song Contest. I! Okay, not as a singer. But my childhood friend and I are sure. This is our shared dream. We will never come closer to the podium than this (row five😊).

So we will be on our way to the Eurovision Song Contest from Brabant on Saturday 22 May. My childhood friend had already arranged to meet two other friends, and I am allowed to join them. I am added to an active Songfestival app group and I am sucked into their enthusiasm. Because their love for the Eurovision Song Contest is even greater than mine. It's already fun!

Fieldlab event

I can hardly wait and am quite nervous. Because Corona huh. That could still stand in the way of my way to the Eurovision Song Contest. The night before the event I still have to do a Corona test. If this is positive, the whole party will be canceled and my dream will fall apart. The Eurovision Song Contest is a Fieldlab event. That includes taking a test within 24 hours before the end of the event and then again five days after. It won't happen to me anyway….

Favorite Eurovision hits

So I have to be patient a little longer. Until then, I secretly sing along at home with my favorite song festival hits. Then I imagine that my living room is the immense stage and my bottle of wine the microphone. That's how my girl dream comes true.