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The app to find compatriots abroad

Another location-based dating app you might say! Yes, but this one has a little more. It allows users to find compatriots during stays abroad or to meet other nationalities wherever they are. We will thus be able to meet Americans in Paris or French people in London or New York. The application was created in a fun and friendly spirit. Its goal is to facilitate meetings thanks to its geolocation system and the possibility of refining searches according to spoken languages ​​and common nationalities.

As a bonus, it has a fun function:The "Cap or not Cap" challenges are always there to break the ice during the first exchanges between the groups.

The app is now available on all platforms

On Google Play and on the new iPhone version of the application, users will of course have access to groups and connected users, but they will also be able to access the profiles of all offline users. Thanks to this new function you can get in touch at any time with members of the Melteampot community.

And of course you can filter your searches using the classic criteria sex, nationality, languages ​​spoken, center of interest, etc.

You can find it for iPhone here!