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Vacations:5 must-have websites for travelers

Does it need to be introduced? This popular site allows anyone to put a bed, a room or their entire apartment up for rent. It works, millions of people are registered around the world. Nothing could be easier than taking a ticket to a country and living "locally" with the locals, meeting people... and at a low price if you don't have money!

This time, it's a site aimed at camping enthusiasts, who can now find hosts allowing them to pitch their tent in the garden, in the courtyard... Ultra nice.;

Solo traveler? Thanks to these sites, we can have lunch or dinner with a host who cooks for us at home. We pay a little, but that's more fun than being alone at the restaurant! Another good way to share, meet, get in touch with locals. But there are also often several travelers around the same table... Why not end the trip alone, who knows?

Vayable allows you to hire a local to guide you through your city. The idea, we define a subject (photography, museums, parties, gastronomy) and we choose the best guide for the visit! The real guides pull the face a little, but we love the concept.

This site allows you to rent bikes to individuals anywhere! Because no, Vélib' doesn't exist everywhere, and yes, what could be more pleasant than discovering a city on two wheels, we move and we are free!