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A Hungarian village for rent! Are you tempted?

We are south-west of Budapest in Hungary, in the friendly village of Méjeure (Megyer in Hungarian) which has 18 inhabitants. And for 700 euros a day, you can own the whole village!

Seven houses, a chicken coop and a money order!

With this investment, you benefit from the four streets (two of which are paved!), the cultural centre, the bus stop (rather classy, ​​isn't it?), seven fully furnished "peasant" style houses but also the farm and his six horses, two cows, three sheep, his chicken coop and four hectares of arable land owned by the village cooperative. Not to mention that you can make yourself comfortable in the office of the mayor who included his mandate in the offer! He told AFP:“According to a law that I introduced, a foreigner can also become mayor for a weekend, and even change the names of the streets if he wants. »

The goal ? Make Megyer known

If Kristof Pajer, the mayor, decided to propose this original offer, it is to help the village to develop by collecting a little money and gaining visibility. This small village is actually not very well known but no one doubts that with this possibility of rental, it will be talked about! Discover the announcement (in Hungarian) and other photos by clicking here.