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What can you do to avoid getting car sick?

Where does motion sickness come from?

The slow and prolonged movement of a vehicle leads to changes in the center of balance, located in the inner ear. It is the discrepancy between the information that the eyes capture and that which the latter perceives that causes discomfort:the sight tells you "you are moving", the inner ear, which takes care of the balance , tells you "no, you're in a car so you're not moving bodily" and your muscles are telling you "yes, you're not moving".

All of this conflicting information can make you lose your sense of balance and cause symptoms that ruin the trip.

What are the symptoms?

Motion sickness causes dizziness, heartache, nausea or vomiting in moving vehicles (car, plane, boat, train). In severe cases, the affected person may become very anxious, turn pale, sweat or salivate a lot. The symptoms disappear when the brain adapts to the new situation or as soon as the movement stops. They are generally inconsequential, unless the vomiting persists to the point of causing dehydration.

Rare in children under two years of age, women are also more prone to it than men, especially when they have their period or are pregnant.

How to avoid car sickness?

– Prevention is essential since, once triggered, the symptoms are difficult to control. A simple way to avoid motion sickness is to choose your place in the vehicle carefully:by sitting in the front seat, or in the middle of the back seat for children, you can stare at the horizon rather than the changing landscapes on the sides, which reduces discomfort. Moreover, we will notice that the person driving is never sick! Because they are focused on the road. So do like the drivers, stare at the horizon and if the problem persists, take more breaks and breaths of fresh air.

– Eating, reading, watching a movie, these innocuous actions promote inconvenience due to motion sickness. For the more sensitive, avoid winding roads. Motion sickness is even more frequent if the movements are important.

– Do not focus on something specific or on a text you are trying to write because it could make you even more nauseous.

- Sleep! When you wake up, you will surely have arrived at your destination or try to distract yourself:listen to music, talk to your friends, etc. so you don't focus on your heartache.

– If your stomach is rather fragile, it is strongly advised not to stuff yourself and drink alcohol before hitting the road. Fatty, sugary meals and dairy products are also to be avoided.

– Take adequate measures to prevent nausea, since this is the most common symptom of motion sickness, you might as well know how to take the necessary measures. Ginger roots are a classic remedy because this food contains a powerful anti-emetic (anti-nausea):eat a few ginger cookies or either ginger or lemon candies before or during the journey and once you arrive at your destination . If you're on a long trip, consider making ginger tea and packing it with you in a Thermos. As for cold drinks, try sodas or non-alcoholic beers made with ginger.

– Help keep kids from car sickness by seating them on a booster seat so they can see the scenery through the window and playing games that encourage them to look outside. Don't let them watch a movie during the trip or it might make them sick.

– As a last resort, take medication for motion sickness:there are many prescription and over-the-counter medications for motion sickness, check the side effects of each before taking any (especially if driving) and seek advice from your doctor. The drug blocks the part of the brain that controls the feeling of nausea, so it must be taken before you are sick. Also, be aware that this kind of medication can cause drowsiness.