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Did you know ? :you will only need to take 10 days off to enjoy 37 days of vacation this year!

We've just come back from vacation, our hair has turned blond thanks to the sun, there's sand left in the bottom of our bag, and despite all the goodwill in the world, back to school isn't exciting at all. However, we tried everything:shopping and falling for the latest trends like the denim skirt, rethinking the decor of our apartment, we even signed up for the gym! So, the last solution available to us to counter the back-to-school blues :plan our next vacation! That's good, since by taking 10 days off , you can get 37 days of vacation. On your marks, get set… pose!

Holidays:how to schedule your days off to have as much vacation as possible?

If this end of 2020 only has 3 public holidays, you can start planning your stays for 2021 . In November, the 1st, All Saints Day, falls on a Sunday, but the 11th, Armistice Day of 1918, is a Wednesday. By taking paid vacation or RTT on Thursday and Friday, you benefit from a 5-day weekend .

To leave for 10 days during the Christmas holidays , you will have to ask 4 days. Indeed, January 25 and 1, New Year's Day, are Fridays. Therefore, by being off the first 4 days of the week, you benefit from 10 days off .

Holidays:holidays to take to travel all year round

Finally, holidays for 2021 often fall on Saturdays and Sundays, unfortunately. However, May 13, Ascension, and November 11 are Thursdays. Taking Fridays gives you 4-day weekends . Similarly, National Day, July 14, will be a Wednesday. Use 2 days of RTT, for a 5 day summer break.

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