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This is how you travel safely to and from the airport

Traveling is a fantastic way to get acquainted with other cultures and lifestyles. It broadens your horizons and it actually makes you a happier person. But as a woman, alone or in company, traveling unfortunately entails some risks. It is therefore important that you organize your activities and travel as safely as possible. In this article we therefore give some tips to travel safely to and from the airport.

Tell others about your plans

Whether you are traveling alone or with a partner or group, it is important that friends, relatives or colleagues are aware of your plans. By letting others know when you are leaving and by keeping them informed about your travel companies, people at home can rest easy and there is always someone who knows where you are.

Travel with your own transport

Sometimes flights depart at the most unfavorable times or an airport is difficult to reach by public transport. It is therefore preferable to travel to the airport with your own transport. Expensive? Well no! At Parkos you can reserve a parking space at the airport for a reasonable price. Whether you are looking for a parking space at Eindhoven airport or Schiphol airport:at Parkos you can arrange it easily and cheaply.

Do your research

Before you travel, find out as much as possible about your trip, destination and the practicalities at the airport. Find out where your flight departs, the fastest way to get here and when to leave. In addition, keep an eye on flight details via the airport's website. By traveling well prepared, you will not be faced with unpleasant surprises.

Avoid traveling at night

Sometimes it is unavoidable to travel at night when you go on vacation, but try to avoid this as much as possible as a woman alone. Unfortunately, it is less safe at night than during the day. Try to book a daytime flight if possible. Even if this is slightly more expensive, it is well worth the extra cost. If only evening or overnight flights are available, travel with someone else to and from the airport or use your own transport.

Wear important documents on your body

To secure your documents and money when you travel, it is smart to always carry them with you. Therefore, do not keep your passport, cards and money in a handbag or in your luggage, but wear them on your body. There are all kinds of handy bags available for this that you can wear around your waist or around the neck. This way you always have your most important things with you, even if you lose your luggage or bag.

Use a tracking app

For family members who are concerned, or women who feel unsafe on the street, there are several apps available to keep in touch with family and friends while travelling. Many apps are intended for women who walk alone at night, but they can also offer some peace of mind when traveling to and from the airport. Download Shake2Safety, Circle of 6 or Life360 for a little extra security on the road.