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6 solutions against jet lag

You have just returned from a long trip to the other side of the world and all you can think about is your bed. You're suffering from jet lag, but next time you follow these six simple steps, you can minimize, if not completely avoid, the effects of jet lag.

Adjust your flight schedule before the flight
This one takes a bit of planning, but is well worth it in the long run. A few days before your trip, adjust your sleeping and eating schedules to more closely match those at your destination. Preparing your internal clock will make your adjustment easier once you get off the plane.

Nourish your body the right way When traveling it is tempting not to eat healthy anymore. But remember that what you eat and drink affects how you feel. Try to avoid excess caffeine (which dehydrates you) and alcohol (which can help you fall asleep quickly, but will reduce the quality of your rest). Drink as much water as you can and eat light, nutritious meals.

Change your watch immediately
You should immediately set your watch to the destination time as soon as your flight takes off. It's mostly psychological, but adjusting your watch to the time zone of your destination will make it easier for you to start the new schedule and get into a rhythm faster.

Keep calm
Do you know how thinking about something stressful makes you more stressed? That certainly applies to jet lag. Try to stay as relaxed as possible before, during and after your trip so that you don't let yourself be tempted to experience more jet lag. Plan logistics in advance so you don't run around like a headless chicken and enjoy your trip without the fear of exhaustion after the flight.

Don't go too far in a short time
If you're planning a trip for fun and only have four days or less, try to avoid going more than two time zones away from home. In such a short time, your body will suffer even more. It is worth making long journeys when you have more time.

Don't take a nap
Once you get to your destination, you may want to take a nap before doing anything else. Unless it's bedtime in that country, try to stay awake until it's socially acceptable to go to sleep. Get out and wait until, say, 10pm to go to sleep, it will do wonders for your trip.