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Tips for a relaxed summer road trip

The May holidays have started and before you know it, the summer holidays are just around the corner. Are you going on a summer road trip this year? Then we've put together our favorite tips and tricks for a memorable road trip.

Plan your route – Your road trip can be a destination – beaches, mountains or lakes – or a journey, where the journey itself is the vacation. Decide which one you like best and plan accordingly. There are many good travel blogs and websites that map out popular trips with the most scenic routes.

What to see? – Trip planning is now easier than ever. There are several apps that offer simple advice. Of course, Google Maps helps with traffic and navigation. Be sure to bring a phone holder for hands-free driving (if you don't have bluetooth in your car) and a USB charger for your car if it's not part of your car's equipment or if you expect to need extra charging ports for family members.

Stops and pauses – Especially if you are traveling with children, you should stop every few hours. Not only for pit stops, but also to take the time to see the surroundings, it will make the trip much more enjoyable and interesting. And you can post photos for friends and family along the way!

Naps – (no, not for the driver). Be prepared by bringing pillows and blankets for passengers. Are you traveling alone? Then bring them for you – but find a safe place to stop. It is better to take 15 minutes to rest and freshen up than to drive when you are about to fall asleep.

Entertainment – Kids need fun activities every day – the car is no exception. A tablet holder is a good idea - it keeps tablets safe and at a comfortable viewing distance. But don't forget to bring your old favorite board games.

Snacks – You want to stock up on your favorite snacks. Healthy snacks such as fruits, nuts, and raisins are good choices. A cooler for drinks is also recommended.

Waste – Snacks often lead to waste. Whether it's fast food or orange peels, you need a place to put them. Choose a leak-proof car trash can or a good plastic bag to put the mess in.

Pit Stops – Pack biodegradable wipes, tissues, and sanitizer in one place within easy reach. You never know where you'll be when Mother Nature calls.

Be flexible – Don't overbook with too many things to do in too little time. Relax. Take your time and be prepared for detours and distractions. Remember, it's as much about the journey as the destination. Some of your most memorable experiences will be things you didn't intend.

Create a road trip playlist – A list of your favorite music in a playlist. Traveling with children? Just make sure to mix up the mix – listening to music your kids like all the way can make the journey exhausting. Let the children know in advance that you and your (possible partner) will also listen to their favorite songs for the most enjoyable journey for everyone.