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Things you didn't know about Japan

Whether you're planning to visit Japan for the first time when the weather is possible, or you're already familiar with Japanese culture, there's always plenty to discover about this fascinating country. We've collected the best facts here to help you plan your next trip.

KFC is the traditional meal on Christmas Eve
The festive food in Japan is not what you would expect. Instead of a traditional roast or gourmet steak, most Japanese head to their nearest KFC branch on Christmas Eve. About 3.6 million Japanese enjoy the KFC Christmas dinner, despite standing in line for hours and even ordering weeks in advance.

Mountains, mountains everywhere
Japan has extremely densely populated cities, but surprisingly about 70% of the country consists of uninhabited forests and mountains unsuitable for agriculture.

They are good ways to slurp your noodles Good manners are very important in Japan, but when it comes to eating noodles, there is only one way to eat:LOUD. Slurping is a sign that you love your noodles, as well as that they are cooling while you eat. Bibs are sometimes provided in restaurants so you can walk away without a hitch.

There is a rabbit island in Japan Japan has nearly 7,000 islands and Okunoshima Island in the Inland Sea is best known for its population of rabbits. Okunoshima was used to test weapons during World War II, but apparently some test subjects escaped after the war. Regardless of how they got there, the number of bunnies thrived on this predator-free island and dogs and cats are prohibited from going there.

Number four is unlucky The number four ("shi") is widely avoided in Japan because it is too similar to the Japanese word for death. In Japan, you will find that buildings do not have a fourth floor, products are generally sold in sets of five or three, and particular care is taken to avoid the number in everyday life.

There is a nude festival Japan
Japan is known for festivals; However, Hadaka Matsuri is one of the strangest. Thousands of Japanese men strip naked in an effort to secure a lucky year.

Japanese trains are among the most punctual in the world
The average delay of Japanese trains is 18 seconds – NS customers will not believe their luck!

The Japanese love crazy flavors
Eel flavored ice cream and Kit Kats with fried potatoes are just two of the crazy flavors you can find during your stay in Japan. Kit Kats are incredibly popular candies (because "Kit Kat" sounds like "kitto katsu," a "good luck" saying). There are also edamame, wasabi and ginger ale flavored Kit Kats.

Everyone has their own family stamp
People don't have autographs in Japan – they have their own family stamp instead. These are called Hanko and the stamp is the name incorporated into Kanji characters. They are made from silk or vegetable paste and adults often have three varieties of hanko; one for signing letters or personal items, a bank stamp and an identity stamp.

Anti-ninja floors
In Feudal Japan, wealthy mansions built deliberately squeaky floors (called Nightingale Floors) as a defense measure against ninjas. Brilliant.