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Ten spectacular waterfalls

Huge noise, foaming spray and deafening noise – anyone who comes very close to a waterfall feels the power of nature. From dizzying heights, the water masses plunge into the depths. We have compiled a list of ten spectacular waterfalls.

Iguazú falls between Argentina and Brazil

Ten spectacular waterfalls

Colorful rainbows dance on the roaring waters of the Iguazu Falls (English:big water) in the triangle between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. With a width of three kilometers and a depth of up to 80 meters, they are among the largest waterfalls in the world. The legend of the Guarani people says that once the evil serpent god Mboi cut a gorge in the riverbed out of jealousy and created the waterfalls.

Seljalandsfoss in Iceland

Ten spectacular waterfalls

The land of geysers and hot springs teems with waterfalls. Few can be admired as well as Seljalandsfoss in the south of the island. It is the only waterfall in Iceland that you can walk behind. Especially in the evenings, a look through the veil of water provides a stunning play of colours.

Berlin Falls in South Africa

Ten spectacular waterfalls

Numerous waterfalls lie along the Panorama Route in eastern South Africa's Mpumalanga Province. The Berlin Falls are particularly spectacular:a small trickle in the dry season, a raging river in the rainy season. With unbridled force, the water masses plunge over red rocks into a small rock pool.

Chamarel waterfall in Mauritius

Ten spectacular waterfalls

An unparalleled natural spectacle:the twin waterfalls on the paradise island of Mauritius cascade more than 90 meters below the surface. If you want to get really close, you can reach the base of the waterfall via a narrow path. Hint: Nearby is the natural phenomenon “Seven Colored Earth”, a colorful, shimmering hilly landscape made of lava rock.

Niagara Falls between the United States and Canada

Ten spectacular waterfalls

Thundering noise surrounds the most famous waterfalls in the world:the Horshoe Falls and the American Falls, together Niagara Falls. On average, 4,000 cubic meters of water flows down to about 50 meters high cliffs every second. The falls are a magnet for life-threatening adventurers who regularly plunge into the water in padded barrels. Every second of these deadly and illegal trips through the falls so far has ended fatally.

Waterfalls in Australia's Blue Mountains

Ten spectacular waterfalls

The Blue Mountains rise proudly around Sydney in Australia. Gorges, valleys and lakes run through the national park. In addition to eucalyptus trees and kangaroos, you can admire waterfalls here. Small pools at the foot of the falls invite you to take a long dip in clear water after a strenuous hike.

Victoria Falls between Zambia and Zimbabwe

Ten spectacular waterfalls

The Victoria Falls are referred to as "thundering smoke" by the indigenous people, the African Kololo. After the rainy season, the Zambezi swells into a real monster river. From March to June, Africa's largest waterfall cascades more than 120 meters with tremendous force. Only for the brave:a dip right on the edge of the most dangerous pool in the world, the Devil's Pool.

Waterfall in Plitvicer National Park in Croatia

Ten spectacular waterfalls

In Southeastern Europe's oldest national park, 16 waterfalls attract more than a million visitors each year. Many small and two large waterfalls connect the lakes and offer a great natural spectacle. The UNESCO World Heritage Site was best known as the location for the Karl May films.

Canaima waterfalls in Venezuela

Ten spectacular waterfalls

A paradise lagoon, dark water, a fine sandy beach and a thundering waterfall in the middle? this contrast is what makes the falls in the Canaima National Park so special. With a small boat you get very close until the deafening noise swallows every sound. Hint: a bath in the reddish-brown water colored by the roots should act as a rejuvenating cure.

Kursunlu waterfall in Turkey

Ten spectacular waterfalls

Turquoise blue water is the hallmark of the waterfall near Antalya. Schools of fish and turtles frolic in the rock pools, making every visit an experience. Hint: The Kursunlu waterfall is less crowded than the well-known Düden waterfalls and offers a great change from the standard tourist program.