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Leisure activities to do near Marseille

When we talk about Marseille, we mistakenly imagine that there is only the Bonne Mère, the Vélodrome, the Old Port and the Canebière. Don't worry, the city of Marseille and its surroundings are full of a thousand and one places to amaze you! You went down to the south of France to spend your holidays or you live in Marseille and you are looking for great ideas for outdoor sports activities to do with family and friends? Either way, we have plenty of ideas for you.

Here is our selection with a Top 5 of the best sports activities to do near the city of Marseille !


You don't particularly want to stay all day lazing on the sand, and we understand that! Marseille is a beautiful city , as well as its alleys, its monuments and its panoramas. Not far from the heart of the city, in Carry-le-Rouet exactly, you can go for an underwater excursion that you will remember for a long time! You will observe with flippers, mask and snorkel, the beauty of the seabed and admire the fauna and flora that live there.

For more information, click here:

Leisure activities to do near Marseille

Flying over the creeks

If there is something to see at all costs in Marseille, it is undoubtedly the superb creeks! And since it's summer and many tourists want to visit them, we recommend the best way to see them:by air! Yes, no need to find parking to go there by car and then on foot, the must is to book a flight in a microlight or helicopter to be able tofly over the creeks of Marseille and discover the fabulous coves of Sormiou, Morgiou or Cassis.

All the necessary information at:

A quad ride

Want to discover the forest trails around Marseille? Direction Aix-en-Provence and the Sainte-Victoire mountain where an instructor specialized in quad driving awaits you! You will be able to make either an outing in all-terrain quad , or a trip in a quad on the road . Note that if you opt for a quadricycle ride on the road, you will absolutely need to hold an A or B license to be able to drive one of the quads offered, or take a seat as a passenger.

To book your ride, go here:

The parachute jump

It's decided, this summer you want to cross the course of free fall:you will finally realize your wildest dream which is to jump in a parachute . A little over an hour's drive from Marseille, you will have the pleasure of getting to know our professional skydivers to perform your first baptism of free fall. They will equip you and you will take place in the light plane that appears in GoldenEye with James Bond ! Once at 4000 meters high, the door will open...and you will enjoy 40 seconds of absolutely extreme sensations !

Don't wait any longer and fix your jump right away on:

Initiation to flyboarding or hoverboarding

Meet near Marseille, on the port of La Ciotat , to discovertwo thrilling aquatic leisure activities :the flyboard and the hoverboard. Do you dream of being able to swim like a dolphin or of imitating Marty McFly in Back to the Future? You will finally be able to make those dreams come true!

In Flyboard , you will have nozzles under your feet and the power of a jet ski that will accompany you will allow you to fly several meters above the water.

On a Hoverboard , you will be on a small board, like a skateboard, which can fly above the water level in the same way. Thanks to these two machines, you will perform beautiful acrobatics and you will have a blast!

Find these two activities on:

So friends, what activity would you go for? Rather aquatic? Aerial ? Mechanical?

We are also open to any other sports leisure ideas 🙂