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A guaranteed voyage of discovery in Brazil:our ideas!

Brazil, land of culture and country of adventure, is an ideal destination for a memorable summer . It is the largest state in Latin America and covers half of the territory of South America. This land is the only legacy of Portugal in America.

A journey through time in the historic center of Salvador de Bahia

The historic center of Salvador de Bahia is an urban complex located in the city of Salvador, the metropolis of the State of Bahia. This city was created in 1549 by Portuguese settlers and was the continent's first slave market.

Moreover, thanks to its colonial monuments, it has been listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO . It includes the district of Pelourinho and those of its neighbors. In addition, this area has architectural riches dating from the 17th century. in the 19 th century.

It is a perfect destination for cultural holidays . Backpackers can, among other things, visit it during a circuit in Brazil.

Discovering the important sites of the historic center of Salvador de Bahia

The Terreiro de Jesus is one of the squares in the historic center of Salvador de Bahia . It is located in front of the Basilica Cathedral. This place was occupied by Jesuits who built the first church in the territory.

Subsequently, these priests built a new house of prayer considered the most important of the 17th century century in Brazil . In 1933, this monument became the Cathedral of Salvador. It is sumptuous thanks to its Mannerist facade and its interior made up of gilded wooden altarpieces.

In addition, the Terreiro de Jesus is dotted with other religious buildings representative of Brazilian colonial art, namely the Convent of Saint Francis and the Church of the Third Order of Saint Dominic. It is to be discovered during a Brazilian stay .

The Archiepiscopal Palace of Salvador, a Brazilian colonial heritage

Apart from Terreiro de Jesus , the Archiepiscopal Palace of Salvador is also one of the most fascinating monuments of the city. It is to see during a trip to Brazil . This residence was built at the beginning of the 18 th century and is located in the Praça da Sé .

It is one of the best examples of civil architecture of the colonial period in Brazil . This building was classified as cultural heritage by IPHAN in 1938. Indeed, it has a 3-level facade. Its entrance consists of a limestone portal pedra lioz .

The latter is decorated with a coat of arms. It is that of Dom Sebastião Monteiro da Vide , archbishop of Salvador from 1701 to 1722. Its windows have platforms with iron grilles. As for its interior, it is organized around a central patio. In addition, the Archiepiscopal Palace houses the Cruz Caída (Fallen cross). The latter is located near the seat of the old cathedral.

Explore the lower town of Salvador de Bahia

The lower town of Salvador de Bahia is located 75 m below the upper town . The 2 parts are connected by a 72 m high lift, known as “Lacerda”.

In addition, the lower town is home to the business district, commerce, the port and the beaches of Salvador. During their stay, globetrotters will visit the Mercado Modelo . The latter is located very close to the port and the Bay of All Saints. It was built in 1860 and opened in 1912 . In neoclassical style, it was intended to respond to the food supply problems of the lower town. Cereals, animals, fresh produce, cigars and cachaça were sold there.

Nowadays, the Mercado Modelo is transformed into a local craft market . Besides this, the lower town of Salvador de Bahia is also home to one of the main pilgrimage churches in Brazil, the Church of Nosso Senhor do Bonfim (our Lord of the good end). This was built from 1745. It is remarkable for its size and its prominent position.

An unprecedented expedition to Rio de Janeiro to discover Christ the Redeemer

To end the expedition in search of the wonders of Brazil, travelers can take an excursion to Rio de Janeiro, this city is home to one of the most famous buildings in the country, Christ the Redeemer .

28 m high, this statue with open arms is one of the largest representations of Jesus of Nazareth in the world. She stands on the Corcovado like a sentinel watching over the big city.

This soapstone masterpiece was produced jointly by engineer Heitor da Silva Costa and sculptors Paul Landowski and Gheorghe Leonida. Help from engineer Albert Caquot was also needed for the construction. Apart from that, the site of Christ the Redeemer is a place where many weddings and baptisms take place . At the foot of the monument is a chapel dedicated to Nossa Senhora Aparecida where these great events can be celebrated.