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5 cool jobs for traveling all year round

5 cool jobs for traveling all year round

When traveling, discovering new countries, new cultures, becomes a passion, nothing better than finding a job that allows you to travel the entire planet all year round, while being paid. 5 cool job ideas for globetrotters.

Travel Guide

Being a travel guide is par excellence the job that allows you to travel the most in France or abroad, while working. Doing this job on a freelance or seasonal basis is a good way to combine work and travel. The role of the travel guide is to accompany groups on tours organized by travel agencies. He (or she) must ensure the well-being and comfort of the people he accompanies. He verifies on site that reservations for museums, restaurants, buses, etc., correspond to the planned program. He follows the group everywhere in his visits and can thus discover many places. A minimum of preparation on the country or the city which will be visited and the sense of responsibility are necessary to do this job which can take you to the end of the world.

G.O., holiday club leader

This job is for everyone synonymous with sun, beaches and parties. It can be exercised in distant countries, wherever holiday clubs are established. The G.Os. are fed, housed and laundered, often in dream locations. Their role is to animate the days and evenings of holidaymakers but also to create links between people. The G.O. must be very available, smiling, joking. This job is a good compromise for those who dream of exoticism and interesting and fun encounters too.

Cruise ship crew member

If you don't suffer from seasickness and are willing to work hard nonetheless, being a crew member of a cruise ship can be just as fun and will allow you to discover a multitude of countries. Embarking on a cruise ship to work there is not, however, synonymous with vacation. The time amplitudes are important, the rhythm is dense. But it is also a very enriching experience in terms of encounters and travel.

Travel tester

What could be more pleasant to travel the world than to test hotels as a “mystery shopper” for a travel agency or a guide to good deals? Travel tester is the ideal job to go on vacation to dream destinations without spending money and being paid. The only (slightly) restrictive conditions are the writing of a detailed report on the reception, cleanliness, service, food of a hotel for example at the end of the mission, and to be flexible to leave on off-the-peg trip.

Driver for Google Street View

A recent and original profession for traveling:participating in Google's mission which covers the whole world through photographs via its Google Street View application. Whether in large cities or in the most unusual and remote places in the world, the American firm needs people to photograph the places. You can thus become for Google Street View, depending on the place to be explored, car driver, bicycle driver, snowmobile driver, etc. The more adventurous can even be equipped with a high-tech backpack, the "Trekker", to travel and capture places inaccessible other than on foot.