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And If We Replaced the Elected... By Citizens Drawn by Lot! Belgium thinks about it. Why Not France?

And If We Replaced the Elected... By Citizens Drawn by Lot! Belgium thinks about it. Why Not France?

A former Belgian minister proposes to renew the political class by drawing lots members of the Senate.

This idea is at first sight revolutionary.

But in the end, isn't this simply the principle of democracy, according to the Greeks?

Some seriously think so.

Whether we are left, right or center, we generally all share the same feeling:

- politicians and citizens seem to live on 2 different planets.

And If We Replaced the Elected... By Citizens Drawn by Lot! Belgium thinks about it. Why Not France?

The situation is the same in Belgium. But there, a revolutionary idea will perhaps make everyone agree.

This idea is a return to the roots of democracyusing the drawing of lots to designate the representatives of the people.

It is high time to give a new democratic impetus to our societies. A return to the roots of democracy may be the solution.

What if those who govern us were chosen by chance?

The idea may seem bewildering, but it is the principle that the Greeks applied in Athens at the time of their apogee.

And If We Replaced the Elected... By Citizens Drawn by Lot! Belgium thinks about it. Why Not France?

And it is this ancient system that Peter Vanvelthoven wants to apply in his country.

This former Belgian minister asks that the senators be all citizens designated by lot.

The process of nominating future senators would be simple:

1. Initially, 10,000 Belgian citizens over the age of 16 would be drawn.

2. A big information meeting would follow to explain the ins and outs to them.

3. Then, among these 10,000 citizens drawn by lot, those who would be interested in the function would let us know.

4. They would then participate in a second draw.

5. This is when the 150 Belgian senators would be appointed.

Not so complicated after all, is it?

These citizens would be elected senators for 1 year, and would thus have the possibility of proposing laws and of debating them.

The return to direct democracy

And If We Replaced the Elected... By Citizens Drawn by Lot! Belgium thinks about it. Why Not France?

In France, Belgium, and most Western democracies, citizens do not directly choose their laws.

They just have the ability to choose men who choose laws.

Which is, of course, quite different!

Why ? Because very often politicians do not put into practice the promises they have made to citizens.

As a result, citizens feel betrayed and lose interest in politics...

In theory, the system proposed by Peter Vanvelthoven could reduce the gap between citizens and politicians.

Political parties would thus lose their omnipotence . And that legislative power would return to the hands of the people.

The debate on the subject has just started in Belgium. But this is the first time that a high-ranking politician has proposed such an idea in Europe.

Let's hope that it will seduce citizens and politicians so that we can test its results on the ground.

Society needs meaningful ideas. And this one has already proven itself... So why not try it in France too?