Are your car floor mats dirty and covered in stains?
Normal, with children and animals, small accidents are frequent!
Fortunately, there is a magic cleanser to easily loosen carpets in the car and revive fabrics.
It was my friend Sébastien, who works in a car wash, who gave me his homemade carpet cleaner recipe and car carpets.
I tested it right away, and as you will see below, the results are simply amazing !
Now my car's interior is nickel chrome, and it smells so clean!
And unlike expensive commercial stain removers loaded with toxic substances, this homemade recipe contains only natural ingredients .
And don't worry, because these ingredients are cheap!
I'm even willing to bet you already have them at home :-)
Here is the super easy recipe for homemade car rug &carpet cleaner . Watch:
- organic dishwashing liquid
- white vinegar
- 1 spray bottle
- baking soda
- essential oil of your choice (optional)
1. Put 1 tablespoon of white vinegar and 1 tablespoon of washing-up liquid in the spray.
2. Add a few drops of essential oil to leave a pleasant scent. I chose lemon essential oil.
3. Add 50 cl of hot water and shake well. The stain remover is already ready to use!
4. Now sprinkle baking soda on the floor mats and fabric coverings to be cleaned.
5. Let stand a few minutes or better overnight then vacuum.
6. Then, generously spray the stain remover directly on the surfaces and let it work for a few minutes.
7. Using a damp sponge, dab to remove excess stain remover.
8. Rub the stained areas to penetrate the cleanser, then allow to dry.
Lo and behold, all stains on my car mats are now gone :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Thanks to this homemade cleaner, all the stains on the carpets and upholstery of my car are gone.
The surfaces are perfectly clean and thoroughly treated.
The interior of my car is almost like new!
As you can see in the photo, my poor car really needed a good scrubbing!
What's great is that this recipe also works for seats.
Thanks to the deodorizing power of white vinegar and baking soda, my car smells clean and fresh again.
I did not expect such a breathtaking result!
Of course, I advise you to test this stain remover on a small non-visible area of your car's upholstery or carpet, to be sure that it will not discolor your fabric.
One last tip, there's nothing like a microfiber cloth for your cleaning tasks.
And at less than €12 for a set of 12 microfiber cloths, it's really inexpensive to pay.