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Car Parked in FULL SUN:The Tip to Cool It Down in Seconds.

Car Parked in FULL SUN:The Tip to Cool It Down in Seconds.

When you leave your car in the sun, it quickly turns into a furnace.

As a result, the interior of the cabin is unbreathable!

Impossible to sit down because everything is hot. Nothing can be touched, including the gear lever.

The temperature inside can go up to 70°C and over 85°C on the dashboard!

So how do you quickly cool the temperature without turning the air conditioning on full blast?

The trick is to open a window and open and close the opposite door several times quickly . Check out this Japanese video:

How to

1. Open a window on one side of the car.

2. Leave other doors and windows closed.

3. Now open and close the door opposite the window about 5 times quickly.


Car Parked in FULL SUN:The Tip to Cool It Down in Seconds.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?
  • How to prevent your car from becoming a furnace in the sun?

And voila, with this trick, you have cooled the interior of your car in just a few seconds :-)

No more furnace in the passenger compartment of the car!

Convenient, fast and economical, right?

You don't even need to turn on the air conditioning and waste gas for nothing.

Why does it work?

Thanks to this trick, the hot air in the car is expelled through the window while the colder air enters the passenger compartment through the door.

Within seconds, the temperature will drastically drop.

As you can see in the video, the temperature in the car goes from 41.6°C to 33.5°C a +8°C difference in seconds.

How to prevent your car from becoming a furnace in the sun?

Be aware that tinted windows hardly change the problem. After 10 minutes, whether you have tinted windows or not, the temperature will be very high. So no need to spend your money unnecessarily!

It's the same for sun visors like this one that you have on the windshield. It is only valid for a few minutes. But after an hour, if your car is parked in the sun, there is no difference!

So what to do to avoid the furnace in the passenger compartment? The only effective trick is to park as much as possible in the shade. It's the best way not to have a hot interior.