My grandmother always said to me:"if someone impresses, imagine him on the throne!"
That's exactly what Italian artist Cristina Guggeri did.
She imagined the leaders and stars of the planet in the toilets.
Yes, because if the "big guys" of this world have one thing in common with us, it's going to the toilet... like everyone else!
This is a good way for citizens to no longer be intimidated by their leaders.
Obviously, this artistic approach does not appeal to everyone.
Some consider it disrespectful and useless. Others, on the contrary, think it is very funny and useful.
The goal of this project is not to make fun of these public figures but to make them more human.
Because it's true, we sometimes tend to consider them as beings superior to ordinary mortals.
And you, what is your opinion on these photomontages ?
To make up your mind, here is a selection of 16 photos of world leaders or stars in the bathroom . Watch:
You can find all of Cristina Guggeri's work on her LinkedIn profile or here on her website.