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Lonely Planet:here are the 10 European destinations still confidential!

New York, Phuket, Bali, the Cinque Terre or even Miami… We love holidays. The only problem is that with the emergence of low-cost companies and good plans on the net, everything has become easy to access and for everyone. Either way, that's not a bad thing. Only, spending your holidays entering crowds of tourists who swarm like an anthill, no thank you! So to prevent us from bumping into our neighbors on the beach or at the restaurant, Lonely Planet had the good idea to unveil its ranking of the best European destinations, which are not (yet) teeming with visitors.

Italy tops the rankings

There is no secret, to avoid tourists, we make a cross on the listed places. The hot spot, at the top of the list? The Italian region of Emilia-Romagna, often neglected in favor of Tuscany or Puglia. However, with its Parmesan and Parma ham, it is the perfect place for lovers of good food. On the second step of the podium, Cantabria (Spain), a small province not far from Santander and composed of immense plains, mountains and beaches... Friesland (Netherlands) completes the top 3 of Lonely Planet. But don't panic, our beautiful country is in the ranking, and more precisely in 5th position, with Provence, which stood out. We leave you with the complete ranking, it may be able to inspire you for your next vacation!

1- Emilia-Romagna, Italy

2- Cantabria, Spain

3- Friesland, Netherlands

4- Kosovo

5- Provence, France

6- Dundee, Scotland

7- The Small Cyclades (Minor Islands), Greece

8- Vilnius, Lithuania

9- Vipava Valley, Slovenia

10- Tirana, Albania