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Travel:here are the 9 most photogenic destinations in the world according to the French

Summer makes us want to explore the world! If some destinations remain inaccessible for the moment, given the Covid-19 health crisis , we can't help dreaming of our next getaways around the world. To inspire us, we are eyeing the side of the YouGov survey for Hubside who was interested in vacation photos. What are the most photogenic destinations according to the French ? The Eiffel Tower, the Montparnasse Tower, the Great Wall of China? We reveal everything to you!

What are the most photogenic destinations in the world?

According to the YouGov survey for Hubside , conducted from June 28 to 29, 2021 with a sample of 1,001 people, 28% of French people take on average more than 120 photos during their holidays. According to them, France is the most photogenic destination , followed closely by Italy and Greece. As for monuments, the French would like to be able to photograph once in their life the Taj Mahal in India, the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, Machu Picchu in Peru, but also Mount Fuji in Japan and the Statue of Liberty in New York. . incredible destinations , which we would love to discover and photograph, to preserve memories, but also to increase the likes on our Instagram account!