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Escape:here are the 20 most beautiful monuments in the world according to science!

Is the Eiffel Tower as beautiful as we want to believe? Is its place in the New 7 Wonders of the World enough for the Taj Mahal to be among the most most graceful buildings ? Make up your own mind and find out which monument science designates as the most beautiful of all!

Beauty is subjective in all areas. According to our memories, our tastes, our feelings and our sense of aesthetics , an object, a person or a place can attract our attention while our neighbor will find it without much interest, without understanding our enthusiasm.

The British site RoofingMegastore , a roofing specialist, nevertheless decided to rely on objective and scientific criteria to rate the beauty of these 100 constructions.

Golden ratio:beauty in the hands of science

To do this, the study uses the “golden ratio », an ancient algebraic equation considered a barometer of beauty , to analyze the designs of the most iconic structures in the world. Based on the golden ratio , it would thus be possible to judge, in a completely impartial way, the harmony of the curves of these architectural feats and thus see which one has the ideal proportions .

100 architectural works among the most famous on the planet have been analyzed and their design compared to the ideal dimensions of this golden ratio. Monuments that come closest to 100% correspondence are judged to be the most visually appealing to the human eye.

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In this game of "who has the most beautiful monuments", the United States wins, with six of its buildings, such as the White House and the Guggenheim Museum in New York, in the top 50 . Germany saves face for the Europeans and comes second, with five buildings in the list.
France managed to place two majestic cathedrals of its heritage in this ranking:the Cathedral of Bourges and Notre-Dame de Paris; our chauvinism is filled with it.

While a around the world is currently complicated to achieve, we give you ideas for your future trips !

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