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The eight most beautiful museums in the world

From classic to modern and from small to large art lovers, art tours offer something special for everyone. The Mona Lisa, The Birth of Venus and the Sistine Chapel are masterpieces that anyone interested in art should experience. Would you like to wander through the deserted corridors of classic collections or be surprised by a striking modern exhibition? We have listed the eight most important art museums from around the world.

1. Musée du Louvre (Paris, France)
The eight most beautiful museums in the world
The Louvre Museum was originally a palace and fortress for the French kings, but only two centuries ago ago it has been transformed into an art museum. To this day it is one of the most famous museums with a vaunted collection from earlier times up to the first half of 1800. For classical art lovers, the Louvre is the pinnacle. Highlights include the Venus de Milo sculpture from ancient Greece and of course Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

2. Uffizi Gallery (Florence, Italy)
The eight most beautiful museums in the world
Galleria degli Uffizi is one of the oldest museums in the world and displays the best collection of Renaissance paintings. The collection includes works by all the famous Italian artists:from the early Middle Ages and Baroque to the Renaissance masters such as Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. Don't miss Botticelli's beautiful painting The Birth of Venus.

3. Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
The eight most beautiful museums in the world
With approximately 900,000 works of art, the Rijksmuseum has the largest art and history collection in the Netherlands. The museum is known for the paintings by Dutch masters from 1600, such as Ruysdael, Vermeer, Hals and Van Rijn, but also exhibits art from the Middle Ages. In 2013, after a 10-year renovation, our Rijksmuseum reopened its characteristic building on Amsterdam's Museumplein.

4. Hermitage (St. Petersburg, Russia )
The eight most beautiful museums in the world
With over three million works, the Hermitage is one of the largest museums in history and culture in the world. The art treasures are spread over six buildings, of which the Winter Palace is the best known. The immense collection includes works by Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Rubens, Rembrandt, Monet, Rodin, Renoir, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Picasso and Matisse. 'Art lovers' can safely set aside a few days for this cultural spectacle.

5. Musei Vaticani (Vatican City, Italy)
The eight most beautiful museums in the world
With 22 separate collections, the Vatican is an impressive group of museums. Hundreds of spectacular works compete for the attention of the more than four million annual visitors. The Pio-Clementino Museum with the Sistine Chapel painted by Michelangelo is considered the highlight of a visit to this museum. The rooms of Rafäel, all walls of which are painted by Rafäel Santi, and the Vatican Pinacotheque with paintings by Leonardo Da Vinci, among others, are also known.

6. The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, America)
The eight most beautiful museums in the world
An all-round art lover can indulge in New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. The collections include works from ancient to modern art from all over the world. Here you can study classical Greek sculpture or the more than 2,000 European paintings, including special work by the great master Botticelli and Dutch pride Vermeer and Rembrandt.

7. Prado Museum (Madrid, Spain)
The eight most beautiful museums in the world
The Royal Family of Spain over the years has acquired and presents a magnificent collection of classical masterpieces exhibit in the Museo del Prado. In addition to the works of Spanish masters Goya, Velasquez, Murillo and El Greco, there is also an extensive Flemish and Italian collection. You can go here to admire the works of Raphael, Titan, Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Roos.

8. Tate Modern (London, England)
The eight most beautiful museums in the world
Are you fascinated by contemporary art? Then you should give the English Tate Modern a visit. This abandoned power plant was renovated in 2000 and opened to the public. The museum has one of the largest collections of surrealist art in the world. For example, the work of Salvador Dalí can be seen here.