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Signs you were born to travel

Do the sights and sounds of exciting destinations, exotic dishes and unprecedented adventures excite you? Traveling isn't for everyone, but it might be for you. If you find yourself thinking about or doing any of these eight signs, it's a sign telling you to go on a trip.

You ask "Why?" and “How”?
Travellers are curious, always searching people who think about how the world works. When you watch documentaries or read travel magazines, you think to yourself about all the amazing things that could happen if you could go to those places. You ask questions about culture and customs, and you are not afraid to adapt to other living standards.

You are not easily scared
Traveling often means going to places where you don't know the language, don't know the place, and don't even know if it could be dangerous. You are handed local delicacies that don't look like anything you've ever eaten. But even if your brain says, "No, not cool," you're excited by the adrenaline rush of discovering what you don't already know. Also, you always hope to use your survival skills.

You need the unknown
You have a deep urge and desire to leave familiar circumstances and get to know the wide world, which is far from all you know. You're actually homesick for a place you've never been.

You live out of a suitcase
Or at least you don't mind living out of your suitcase. Instead of having a physical house where all your clothes are nicely in the closet, you prefer a few wrinkled, functional pieces for a few weeks abroad.

You can sleep anywhere
Wanderers and bums know that every ten minutes is good enough for a power nap, and they have no problem making the most of every opportunity they get, be it on a plane, train, sleeping bag or hammock.

You are looking for a less traveled path
Every day can be an adventure and you may be a born traveler if you purposely find yourself changing routes to work, going off the beaten track in the woods, or simply ignoring your GPS. Look, travelers seem to have their own internal GPS. It is called their 'heart' and they follow it everywhere.

You collect memories, not things
Just like it's okay to live on the bare minimum of clothes, wanderers don't have to buy souvenirs everywhere. They've realized that it's the memories and stories that make the best keepsakes, because those things last as long as you look back and tell them with love.

Freedom equals happiness
Travellers know they are made for travel, because they believe being held to obligations is the most annoying way to get through life. Travelers don't do what makes them unhappy. Instead, they freely search for themselves and their dreams.