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Here are the top 10 cities where you eat the best in Europe!

When we go on vacation, we like to visit new places , discovering another culture but also taste the culinary specialties . For some, the choice of the holiday destination is made according to the gastronomic offer . This is the number 1 criterion for foodies. And you don't have to go far to make your taste buds travel. In Europe , the culinary diversity is enormous and it is found in many cities. The CIA Landlords website knows something about it, since he recently established a ranking of European cities where you eat the best .

The ranking of European cities where you eat the best

To establish this ranking, the English site has identified for each city the number of restaurants per inhabitant, the average price of meals (currency converted into euros) and the proportion of vegan-friendly restaurants installed. For each of these criteria, a score out of 10 was assigned to the cities. The average of these scores made it possible to make the general classification.

First place goes to the Portuguese capital, Lisbon , for its number of restaurants (the largest per inhabitant) and for its particularly affordable gastronomic offer. On average, a meal per person costs only 14 euros . Following in the top 3, the charming city of Florence in Italy and the capital of Greece namely Athens.

Discover the official ranking of European cities where you eat the best in our slideshow.

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