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1000 practical tips and tricks for everyday life!

1000 practical tips and tricks for everyday life!

For this 1000th tip, a look back at the 10 tips that marked the year 2010 and the beginning of 2011.

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As we said, both 2010 and 2011 are years rich in tips, advice, tips, and other grandma stuff. We wanted to present you the 10 most striking themes in order to catch up with you and enjoy an even smarter daily life!

Savings Achieved

For us, the principle of saving on a daily basis reflects a desire to take advantage of advice, tips and tricks unearthed or transmitted allowing us to spend less for an identical or even improved result.

Here is our top 10 to discover now:

1. The price of train tickets is a real problem. We have therefore continued to find various ways to save on tickets in order to take advantage of the best prices. In addition to booking them in advance and taking advantage of discount cards, we have found two interesting sites for you to pay for your tickets cheaper.

2. The Spring season has just begun, we have unearthed a healthy and free detox for you to attack the season in great shape! Also, avoid any spring allergies thanks to our dedicated tip.

3. Who says Spring says seasonal food. How to lose weight quickly and well, what foods to avoid to lose weight easily, or what fruits and vegetables are currently in season are all questions we have tried to answer.

4. Groceries are a very important expense item today. Therefore, we are continually looking for ways for you to save the most, and know that organization is the key word.

5. Beauty tips have a real place in our team, which is why you can't miss the benefits of coffee grounds. Both effective anti-cellulite and natural conditioner, coffee grounds are multifunctional and will bring you many benefits.

6. In order to better save on a daily basis and take advantage of the good deals of the moment, we have decided to set up the news tips section. The latest concern the location of the cheapest gas stations of the moment, or the new scoring system for driving licenses.

7. Also, the perpetual rise in gas and electricity prices leads us to look for different ways for you to save as much as possible on these expenses. Turning off everything when you leave, using a wattmeter, knowing how much your household appliances consume, are various tips that can help you save a lot of money at the end of the month.

8. In the technological world, the iPhone has brought about a lot of upheavals. It is therefore important for all of you who have it to know how to save your battery, how to have a free dock, or how to have a free ringtone thanks to iTunes.

9. Still in the technology section, we try to make it easier to use your daily tools. We have thus found how to be exempt from the tv license fee. In addition to watching TV for free on the internet, it is now possible to make free calls and listen to music for free. It's up to you!

10. Finally, grandmother's tips and remedies represent the heart of our site, how can you miss all these practical tips!