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How to properly maintain your car?

How to properly maintain your car?

A car is expensive and even more if you don't take the time to maintain it well. There is no point in waiting for the breakdown, you have to act before!

Even though cars are getting tougher and tougher, breakdowns are still quite common. And we end up with good bills at the garage...

To keep smiling, it is essential to maintain your car well throughout the year and above all not to wait for major breakdowns.

If you feel that your car is having trouble braking, consider taking it to the garage to change the brake pads instead of waiting and having to change the discs too!

By repairing your car regularly, you will avoid major problems and in the medium term you will save a lot on your car budget.


This smart money-saving tip is simple. The longer you wait to perform a repair, the higher the bill will be!

Even if it hurts the wallet to go to the mechanic from time to time to do a little overhaul, it's much more economical than waiting.

And if you think your car is still costing you too much, there's always time to follow our eco-driving tips or use public transport or a bicycle!