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How to properly wash the interior of your car? Tips to Know.

How to properly wash the interior of your car? Tips to Know.

During the holidays, we don't take too much time clean your car .

And we don't necessarily have what it takes on hand.

On the way back, we find dust, earth, sand and traces of all kinds on the seats or other.

So how to clean the interior of your car easily?

Here are some simple and economical tips to refurbish it. Watch:

How to properly wash the interior of your car? Tips to Know.

  • 1. If salt has become encrusted
  • 2. To clean the steering wheel and door handles
  • 3. If unpleasant odors have accumulated in the car
  • 4. To deodorize
  • 5. Bonus Tip

1. If salt has become encrusted

For example in the joint of your windows or your windshield:

- Take half an onion and a little lemon juice .

- Scrub where the salt has accumulated and rinse thoroughly.

2. To clean the steering wheel and door handles

These are sources of accumulation of microbes .

Normal, it's what you touch the most in a car. To clean and disinfect :

- you need white vinegar

- a cloth that you soak with this miracle product

- disinfect everything with this mixture.

3. If unpleasant odors have accumulated in the car

Or if you have a pet that accidentally urinated in the car, use baking soda.

- Either it is a specific task, in this case sprinkle it with bicarbonate . Let the product take effect by adding a little warm water and then rub.

- Or it's a general smell. In this case, vacuum and clean seats, carpets, and all fabrics with hot water and baking soda .

Once the seats are soaked in this mixture, let it act for a moment. Then rub everything and iron the vacuum cleaner which will remove the product from the fabric.

4. To deodorize

The smell is gone and now you want your car to smell good, here's how:

- Choose an essential oil to your liking.

- Pour two drops in front of the vent.

Essential oils will also disinfect the interior of the car.

5. Bonus Tip

Add sachets of aromatic plants to your car ...

Such as lavender or verbena, sachets of spices or even dried flowers.

It depends on your preferences.

But in any case the smell will be much more natural with these sachets than with Christmas trees or scent diffusers.