The leather seats of your car, we would like to keep them beautiful the most long as possible.
Only, cleaning products are really expensive...
Fortunately, my mechanic gave me some economical tips to take care of the seats at a lower cost.
Here are two effective maintenance techniques to clean up and, above all, make your car seats shine without breaking the bank. Watch:
To maintain them properly, they must first be dusted.
No need to use overpriced products!
A simple cloth soaked in water, which you will pass over the entire surface of the seats, is enough.
This cleaning should be done every week.
What you need to choose from:
- moisturizing wipes
- baby milk
- care cream
These products will nourish your leathers at least as well as industrial products.
It is enough simply to apply them on the armchair of the car, by massaging the leather with a soft cloth so that they penetrate well and nourish it.
This treatment is to be applied every 3 months.
If ever your seats are in really bad shape, there is a way to bring them back to life.
Using a cloth, apply a little talc to your armchairs.
Next, mix 2/3 turpentine with 1/3 softened beeswax which has moisturizing and protective properties.
Finally, apply the preparation to the armchairs, let it dry and then shine it with a cloth.
There you go, you now have very nice, clean seats!
Before cleaning all of your car's leather with these tips, try it on a small, inconspicuous area.
Make sure these treatments are suitable for your car's leather.
Leather is a material that requires minimal maintenance. Neglected leather tends to tarnish and dry out.
Nothing should be neglected to keep your car in good condition.
If you do not maintain your seats regularly, you will quickly end up with poor leather.
What to blame!
These grandmother's tricks are effective and cost much less than a specialized product.