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Zepass to Buy your Cheap Train Tickets.

Zepass to Buy your Cheap Train Tickets.

The trick to getting a train ticket not dear , is to use the site Zepass . This site allows you to buy train tickets directly to individuals.

How it works ? Zepass offers both the purchase and the resale of train tickets between individuals.

To do this, do a simple search on the site to find your used train ticket .

Super practical, you can also set up an alert system which will notify you by email or SMS when the desired ticket is put online.

Even more need to go to the site every day to scan the availability of train tickets .


Zepass it's the right plan to save money on train tickets . You buy your train tickets at low prices from individuals who wish to resell them cheap .

The savings achieved can be up to 60% the usual price. To take an example, it is possible to find Paris-Marseilles for just €22.

After recess, it depends on your departure dates. Once you have found your cheap train ticket , all you have to do is click on the offer to contact the seller.