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Trainline, the application that facilitates the booking of train tickets

Booking train tickets can sometimes be tricky:we spend a lot of time comparing prices, times, even companies if we're traveling abroad... To make all this easier, the creators of the site and the application Trainline have imagined a platform that allows you to book train tickets in France and/or abroad very easily thanks to an intuitive interface (whether on the site or via the app) and above all without advertising. What do we find really great? In France, it's not too complicated to find train tickets, but what about abroad? In Italy, for example, there are several railway companies. Trainline summarizes all the possibilities and allows you to book in a few clicks... and in French!

Live info

In total, 87 companies from 24 countries are offered by Trainline. And the application offers a very interesting possibility:being able to follow your journey in real time. This means that we are informed in real time if our train is canceled or canceled and that we know before arriving at the station the track number, but also that during the journey, we know exactly at which stage where are we, what are the next stations where the train stops, etc. Last good point:it is possible to use holiday vouchers when paying for train tickets (something that is usually only possible at the counters).

In short, Trainline has it all. We adopted him!