An important piece of information to consider is the very upcoming price increase for SNCF train tickets.
The price of train tickets is expected to increase by 2% to 3% at the end of January. The SNCF explains this increase by the increase in the price of the tolls that it must pay to Réseau Ferré de France (RFF).
This upcoming increase has already angered many users. On some lines, users have mobilized by striking the presentation of their transport ticket.
No need to go that far. With How to Save, choose the easy solution. Buy your train tickets for 2011 now without waiting for the price increase.
An increase of 2% to 3% may seem small, however on 500 euros of train tickets you will already save 15 euros.
So it's up to you to do the math, but the train ticket budget for the small family can exceed this amount quite quickly.
The ideal is therefore to anticipate your travels. Be aware that the sooner you buy your tickets, the less you will pay for them. You will be double winners.
If you are not a fan of organization and you only decide to leave on a whim, at the last minute, we also have the solution. Buy your tickets on trocsdestrains or kelbillet. Have a good trip everyone.