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How to take a nap in the office to rest quickly and for free.

How to take a nap in the office to rest quickly and for free.

A siesta is a great way to start the day off right. Find out how to nap discreetly at the office to rest quickly and for free.

A little push? It's time to go take a nap.

1. When to take a nap?

Generally, we all feel, after lunch, a little fatigue. Taking a nap at this time is the best because it cuts the day in half and you can start again right after. In general, you should take a nap as soon as you feel tired , at any time of the day.

2. A nap for how long?

You have the choice between three types of nap:the lightning nap (5mn) , a little longer for the relaxing nap (15-20 mins) and for the most exhausted the royal siesta (over 40 mins) .

For a nap at the office, it is better to choose one of the first two types of nap so as not to be noticed. Finally, whatever the duration, the important thing is to be able to feel relaxed and de-stressed to regain strength.

3. In which position to take a nap?

Take the case of the "flash" nap. In the office, it is possible to lie down on the floor or slightly inclined in your chair. Otherwise, there remains the coachman's position:sitting in your chair, head and torso leaning forward, your hands on your knees and your legs slightly apart. The main thing is to be relaxed so that you can start to dive.

4. Where to take a nap?

To take a nap at your desk, the safest place is perhaps the toilet:no one will come to disturb you there and no one will see you. You can also stay at your desk, the main thing is to feel calm and comfortable.

5. How often to take a nap?

The more regular the nap, the more effective it will be. You should know that a new sleep cycle begins every 90 minutes, when you start to feel tired. This is when you have to start taking a nap to fall asleep quickly. Your body is asking you to, that's why listening to your sleep cycle allows you to rest effectively.

Savings Achieved

Taking a nap is a pleasure that we can all afford for free. Quietly in the office, you will not pay a penny to find yourself calm.

And if you follow your sleep cycle well, there is no need for small tablets to facilitate the onset of sleep, you will immediately fall tired.

Your office chair is a wonderful mattress at your fingertips, why deprive yourself of it? And if you have trouble relaxing before your nap, do yourself a light anti-stress massage , relaxation guaranteed.

And you, do you take a nap at the office? Where is your favorite place to achieve this? Tell me everything in the comments.