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The Comédie-Française is free for children under 28!

The Comédie-Française is free for children under 28!

You dream of finally seeing a play from the very famous Comédie Française ? If you are under 28, it will be very easy because it's free for you!

The Comédie Française is the quintessential French theater company to see perform at least once in your life. And the Royal Palace is definitely worth a visit. It's still a luxury to be able to afford a ticket there.

Fortunately not for everyone. I am under 28. And as soon as a piece appeals to me, I always manage to get my place for free. I'll explain.

What Type of Free Places?

Of course, I don't win a front row seat. Of course not! But thanks to the patronage of the Caisse d'Epargne Ile-de-France, those under 28 can obtain free tickets for performances at the Salle Richelieu.

The free places I am talking about are what are called "places with reduced visibility", the dovecote in a way, the places for the poor. "Menfout" and I reassure you right away, I see the room very well. No!

And then if there's a nicer free chair, I have the right to give it to myself during the intermission. Good to know.

Two Constraints to Know

- This is only possible on the first Monday of the month.

- You have to plan ahead because many of us want to treat ourselves to the Palais Royal for free for an evening!

How to Get a Free Ticket?

Personally, I therefore arrive about an hour in advance at the counter of the "petit bureau" (under the arcades of rue Richelieu) and I wait patiently, wise as a picture.

Uh I also confess one thing, exit the princess dress, I don't bother on that side, I stay with my clothes for the day. No but oh, don't mess around;)!

If You Are Not 28

Don't worry though. Justice is still a bit of this world. By proceeding in the same way, in advance in the same queue for the ticket office of the little office, you will still be able to obtain places with reduced visibility for the modest sum of only €5. Worth it too, isn't it?

And to finish here is the link to the official program of the Comédie Française.

So despite all these constraints, would you like a "small" performance of the Comédie Française? Let's discuss it in the comments.

Savings Achieved

When you know that the normal price for seats in the Salle Richelieu is €26 for those under 28, you are still very happy to be able to have a free seat.

If you give yourself one performance per quarter, it's still €104 saved per year. I say YES!