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A family goes around the world (almost) for free

Going around the world, we all dream of it. But our finances do not necessarily allow us to go after this desire... A family from Singapore found the parade and managed to grant this wish (almost) for free! Pedro Pla and Grace Cheng, parents of two little boys, Ramses and Ranefer, are also the founders of the credit card comparison site Thanks to their knowledge in the matter, they managed to accumulate 960,000 miles by using their bank cards intelligently. By converting these points, they were able to buy four business class tickets for a round the world trip, which is equivalent to 51,000 euros! Despite this good deal, the couple must still cover their personal expenses as well as the taxes related to the trip.

Kenya, Brazil, Japan

The itinerary chosen by Pedro and Grace is enough to make people jealous:in six months, they will visit no less than five continents! Their incredible journey started in January 2017 with a trip to Kenya, before continuing to Spain, the United Kingdom, Finland and Switzerland. In March, they will go to Brazil and Colombia, before reaching the Caribbean in April, to finish by South Korea and Japan in July. Internet users do not miss a crumb of this trip, which the family shares on social networks:they are now nearly 20,000 to follow their adventures on Instagram!