Family Best Time >> Travel

Want to go around the world?

Alex is a young adventurer who will make you want to hit the road yourself. After two great experiences abroad, he worked for a few years to save before taking the plunge:a one-year trip around the world. A crazy idea that we all had in mind one day. The problem ? Get started! And when you see the adventure of Alex, who shared everything via his blog Vizeo, you can only feel your wings growing to see what is happening elsewhere.

For a year or a vacation

And if it's not to go leaving the gentleman and the children, with the job on the way, to walk around the Globe, the blog will at least give you great ideas for your next vacation and even quality destinations to occupy your RTTs and weekends! Advice such as insurance to take out before your departure or how to make your car profitable on the way if you take your coach with you. But above all photos and videos of breathtaking landscapes, incredible seabeds... of a crazy journey! And as it is clearly addictive, after his year Alex did not come home to put on his little slippers, he continued to travel the planet Earth. So we too continue to discover heavenly destinations in videos tinged with humor. And because his stories are addictive too, you can't stop. He even created a video to summarize his year and his meetings in five minutes, a little gem here:

He also distills small sponsored challenges that travel agencies make him take up. So, for example, you can find out how to spend a great weekend in Rome without depriving yourself with a small budget of 250 euros. Heaps of articles that make you want to take your clicks and slaps, even a stone's throw from our house (or almost)! Because it even offers us French destinations that we would not have thought of. Take a look at a 100% Gaillard road trip to be planned in the near future by clicking here. Sounds good, doesn't it?

Solo, couple, family …

And if he has decided to go on a solo adventure, others do it as a family but also as a couple, like Claudia and Clément who set sail for three years of surprises to meet all cultures. For their world tour, there is no question of taking the plane, they travel with local transport on paths that no tourist takes. An expedition that they too have decided to share with you on the Web with the blog Un tour sur Terre, to be consulted without moderation. In addition to great articles and lots of advice, they just launched a humorous web series called "Clo &Clem at the end of the world" with a first episode from the amazing country of Greenland. Funny and breathtaking, must see:

Two blogs to travel without moving, antidepressants while admiring nature in its most beautiful light and they are also a likely trigger to embark on the adventure. Hello encounters, unforgettable memories, splendid photos, sunburns and cold snaps, discoveries, etc. When are you leaving?