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Hotel High Schools:The Good Plan for Cheap Restaurants and Hotels!

Hotel High Schools:The Good Plan for Cheap Restaurants and Hotels!

Whether for a refined, quality meal, or for a bedroom hotel, at, we have a good plan for low prices:the hotel school, whose restaurants and training hotels are run by the students.

To show you how they are more interesting than traditional restaurants, I have looked for some examples for you.

Students Train, Customers Treat Themselves at Low Prices

As Katia has already shown us with the hairdressing schools, the hotel schools also offer the public restaurants and practice hotels at low prices, where students train in real conditions to perfect their education.

The prices are much lower there (about 25 to 50% less depending on the location) than those of conventional hotels and restaurants because hotel schools are not subject to the same charges as professionals.

It is the students who provide for all the needs of the customers:cooking, restaurant service, bartenders, butlers, hotel room service, etc.; the watchword being quality of service .

Restaurants and hotels are open to the public during school term of the area concerned (A, B or C), during the week , and sometimes for special events.

4 Hotel High Schools To Make You Happy Cheap

Thanks to the hotel schools, we can combine great gastronomy and low prices!

Here are some examples (the prices quoted are excluding drinks) , the choice was difficult :

1. La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) Zone B

The hotel school of La Rochelle, which can be reached at to book, has 3 establishments located Avenue des Minimes 17000 La Rochelle:

-> The Old Square Restaurant: it is possible to have lunch there and dinner there . In September 2012, the lunch formula (starter, main course, salad and cheese, dessert, all of your choice) was €17.50 .

An example menu, whet my appetite:Caprice Salad or Marinated Salmon with Dill // Buttered Fish or Roasted Pork Mignon with Mustard // Saint-Honoré and Armagnac Ice Cream or Flambéed Prunes.

-> Les Alizés Brewery , ideal for those who have little time for lunch . Prices range from €10 to €13.50 , depending on the number of dishes. There too, the customer has the choice between several dishes.

-> The Transatlantic Hotel has modern and comfortable rooms, accessible to people with reduced mobility. Parking is available to customers.

2. Biarritz (Pyrenees-Atlantiques) Zone C

2 rue Francis Jammes 64200 Biarritz

-> The restaurant offers lunch options from €12 and dinner from €24. To book:

Depending on the day, there is a single menu or the choice between a Land menu and a Sea menu.

Sample Menu in January 2012:Smoked salmon with chive cream // Toasts Melba or Madras lamb curry // Rice with dried fruits or Cream puffs.

Theme evenings, such as this Basque-Russian evening, are also regularly organized.

-> The hotel , reachable at 05.59.41. 27.72, offers 10 rooms, for 1 to 2 people, from 31 to 39 €/night.

3. Bonneville (Haute-Savoie) Zone A

The Lycée Hôtelier François BISE welcomes customers at,

86 Rue Asnières 74130 Bonneville.

-> The restaurant is open for lunch and dinner, with a quick formula at noon for those in a hurry. Prices range from €12 to €14 for lunch , and from 20 to 27 € for dinner . It is necessary to confirm your reservation in writing (mail, email or fax).

-> The hotel is equipped with 3 bedrooms, all with bathroom, one with twin beds and the other two with double beds. It will cost you from 30 to 38 € per night , whether you are one or two people.

The breakfast costs €4.50 , and it is possible to choose a dinner + overnight stay + breakfast package at €50 for one person.

It is even possible to obtain gift vouchers to offer to loved ones.

4. Blois (Loir-et-Cher) Zone B

The school offers several formulas , reachable at

174 rue Albert 1er 41000 Blois.

-> Gourmet restaurant on 17.4: the students, from the butler to the sommelier, welcome us like princes. Lunch menu:€16 . Dinner menu:€25 .

Sample lunch menu in June 2013 (I'm getting seriously hungry...):

Seasonal variation around melon as a starter // Brandade of cod au gratin with sage // Tiramisu.

-> The initiation restaurant , open between noon and two . Count from 9 to 12 € according to the menus. It is possible to book the same morning.

-> The hotel has 6 rooms of various categories:€50/night for a double room 2 stars , €85/night double room 5 stars , €5 for breakfast in room.

For more establishments in France, I invite you to click here, the Paris region (zone C) alone has about ten establishments.

Some of the DOM-TOMs also have hotel schools.

What to know before booking at the Lycée Hôtelier

The students receiving us during their school day, it is imperative to respect the establishment's schedules, so as not to disturb the school rhythm.

The hotel schools have only a few places, so reservations are compulsory, sometimes up to 2 months in advance (the schools' websites specify the deadlines).

Most of the time, the sites offer the possibility of subscribing to the high school newsletter.

And finally, tips are not allowed.

Some establishments also offer to welcome you for receptions or work meetings, which can make you beautiful savings compared to a hotel or the rental of a room and a caterer.

Depending on the location, it is also possible to take or offer a gastronomy course.

At home, in Marseille, it's the way to find a real affordable bouillabaisse!

And you, dear readers, have you ever had a meal or a hotel room in a hotel school? Do you intend to change your habits at the start of the school year? I look forward to your anecdotes and advice in the comments, your space.