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Tip for a rainy day Game State

Now that fall has arrived, it's time to look for indoor outings. That's why I'm sharing the ultimate tip for a rainy day Game State today.

Going out on a rainy day

There is nothing more changeable than the weather in the Netherlands. You can leave the house in the morning with your winter coat and come home in T-shirt. Unfortunately the weather is unpredictable. However, autumn and winter mean that you should mainly look for indoor outings. Places where you can effortlessly spend a few hours, without being bothered by cold or rain. Fortunately, there are countless possibilities and you can also enjoy yourself during the colder seasons. If you love gaming as much as my son is, then I recommend a visit to Game State.

Outside tip for a rainy day Game State

My son has already been to Game State in Utrecht a number of times with a friend of his. They have spent hours there and enjoyed the atmosphere and the many games that you can play there every time. Have you never been there and curious what it actually is? Then read on quickly.

Game State is actually a large arcade hall where you can play the most diverse games. The hall is full of video cabinets that you can use by paying with special coins or cards. You buy these coins or cards at the cash register and you can then play the desired game with them. There is really a lot to choose from different games. Do you like racing? Or would you rather go for a shooting game? You will find it all there.

You get points for certain games. These points roll out of the video cabinet when you're done playing. You can save the points and eventually exchange them for nice prizes. Honesty compels me to say that the prices are not in proportion to the money you put into the slots. However, on the other hand, you are under the pans for a while and can enjoy all kinds of fun games. Incidentally, there are not only games that you can play alone, but also games that you have to play against or with each other. That makes an outing with just the two of you or with the whole family extra fun.

You can play these games

Below you will find a small selection of arcade games that you can play at Game State:

  • Mario Kart
  • Pac-Man
  • Halo
  • Tomb Raider
  • Dance games
  • Pinball
  • NBA hoops
  • Air hockey
  • Jurassic Park
  • VR Rabbids

Where can you find Game State?

My son has been to Game State Utrecht, but there are more locations. You can find Game State in:Eindhoven, Kerkrade, The Hague, Rotterdam and Utrecht. All locations and addresses are indicated on the website.

Packages, events and VIP

Do you have something to celebrate? Are you planning a bachelor party or a company outing? Then you can also go to Game State. The birthday boy or girl is also treated to 1200 points on his or her card. Besides the fact that you can book packages, events are also regularly organized. Especially during school holidays, when different opening times also apply. Do you regularly visit this arcade hall? Then you can request a VIP card. Ask for the conditions at the checkout.

Have you ever been to a Game State arcade hall?