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Bibi and Tina movie 3:the boys against the girls, a nice family movie

The family film 'Bibi and Tina 3:the boys against the girls' can be seen in cinemas from April 12. It is already the third film made in response to the popular children's cartoon series. Our girls of 5 and 8 years old were allowed to take a look and make a judgment.

Table of Contents

Bibi and Tina on an adventure in Falkenstein

The friends Bibi and Tina are best friends, fond of horses and Bibi can also do magic. These are of course fun and good ingredients for a whole host of young fans. A next film was therefore almost inevitable.

The story

The horse girls Bibi and Tina go on a summer camp with some foreign students. The tents are pitched on the Falkenstein estate of the count of the same name, the father of Tina's friend Alexander. There are some irritations between the boys and the girls after which they decide to form two teams in the upcoming activities:the boys and the girls. Alexander joins Urs' team and Bibi and Tina are assisted by a charming Frenchman.

Through the game of geocoaching, the teams have to collect gold stars. Later, they enter the forest deeper by bicycle or horseback to take the win at specifically depicted locations. There they even meet an old friend. The battle between the two teams of Bibi &Tina and Alexander becomes increasingly grim and threatens to get completely out of hand. Bibi's magic fails just at that moment. How come and will it still be okay?!

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Review Bibi and Tina 3:the boys against the girls

My television-loving 8-year-old daughter already knew Bibi and Tina from the cartoon series. She thinks horses are wonderfully beautiful and her best friend adores them. Her 5-year-old younger sister joins in curiously when the film starts. The film is of German origin and dubbed in Dutch, but the children do not notice that. The setting is very colorful and natural. Camping, games, freedom, quests and especially the 'boys against the girls' really appeals to my 8-year-old's imagination.

The story has very different types; from bully to nerd, from fashion girls to scout girls. But the adults also play very nice types; the spoiled, brash count to the over-enthusiastic game master and nervous camp leader. All very innocent and funny, as are the scenes. Even getting high from an incorrectly eaten mushroom is brought lightly and playfully. The storyline is supplemented several times with a swinging or sensitive song. The girls watched the film with a lot of fun and sometimes a lot of tension. ‘Mom, I also really want to do magic..’ Well, I would sometimes like that too 😉 .

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Conclusion: All in all, it makes this film a family film par excellence. It is suitable for all ages, in my opinion. Being fond of horses is absolutely not a must to watch this film. Although horse friends may recognize themselves in it.
