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Friends weekend tips:fun outings and activities for adults

Do you ever have a friends weekend? It's a bit organized, but you get something in return. Quality time with your friends! No kids for a while, but just having fun with friends. And organizing is no longer an excuse! To make it easy for you, we have made a list of fun friends weekend tips for you. With all kinds of fun activities and outings. Whether you go out with only men, only women or with a mixed group… You can undoubtedly get some fun activities for your group from our list!

Every year we go away for a weekend with friends. Once a year alone with our friends, without the kids and once a year with the kids. Do you also do something like this?

Table of Contents

Friends &fun, tips for a great weekend with friends

True friends, you have them for life. They are there for you, through thick and thin. And you for them. Yet many groups of friends see each other less as the years go by. Everyone is busy, and before you know it you'll be using date planners to meet up with your friends. That is why it is very important to have a good time with friends once in a while. Because no matter how long you don't see them:when real friends get together, it's fun as usual.

Then you can of course have a drink or go out for a nice day. But you probably have so much to tell each other that a whole weekend would actually be a lot better! And so we have listed a number of friends weekend tips for you. Then all you need to do is book a nice accommodation. Oh, and the group of friends still has to set a date of course. That will be the biggest challenge!

Hint: stick to a fixed time per year, we have been doing it for years… everyone keeps that weekend free, because then it's the weekend with friends!

Friend weekend tips

A whole weekend of old-fashioned fun with your friends… You can probably fill that with only good conversations! Would you like to do some activities? Then you will find below a list with friends weekend tips full of fun, exciting and challenging ideas!

Daytime activities

On the one hand, you will undoubtedly also enjoy yourself if you can spend the whole day with your friends on the terrace. But with fun activities you immediately create special memories! Below you will find a list of friends weekend tips for the day. Looking for evening activities? Then read on.

  • organize a photo contest. First, make a list of commands. For example:take a selfie with someone wearing red pants. Or:photograph a police officer. Then go out in groups and see who has completed the most assignments. Of course the winner will receive a nice prize! And maybe the losers can do the dishes?
  • also an original among the friends weekend tips:a creative contest. Each team is assigned a song, and must make their own poster accordingly. Being creative together, is that your thing too?
  • fun for kids but certainly also for adults during the hotter days:water games. When was the last time you played bottle football?
  • van Ruilen comes to Win. A nice game:the group of friends is divided into teams and each team gets an egg. Then the competition begins:keep trying to exchange your egg for something better. You will be surprised what everyone comes home with at the end of the afternoon!
  • organize a scavenger hunt
  • go to a survival course
  • Take a (city) bike tour
  • high tea
  • indoor skydiving
  • go buggy or quad ride
  • take a boat or canoe trip
  • follow a fun workshop together
  • go nail pooping or play pantyhose

  • (farmers) golf
  • visit a farm. Tip:you will find the only camel dairy in Europe in Berlicum in Brabant. Something different than cows! Alpaca farms are also fun to visit
  • create a game track
  • Do an Escape room together!

Friends weekend tips for the evening

The older you get, the rarer those pleasant evenings with your friends. You can catch up if the kids can stay home alone… Or you can use one of our friends weekend tips! If you go from Friday to Sunday you will even have 2 of those wonderful evenings in a row.

We have also listed some nice friends weekend tips for those evenings. Do you have any tips yourself? Then let us know!

  • hold a pub quiz. You can make your own or order it online. Tip:make a special friends round with questions about your group of friends.
  • colorful evening. If your friendship goes back long enough, you probably used to have fun with crazy outfits. You can still do that! Who has the best act?
  • organize ghost tour. You can bet that adults can still enjoy this too.
  • game night:get those old games out of the closet. It will also be fun as usual! Also fun:the friends quiz, a game full of exciting assignments and questions to get to know your friends even better.
  • have a karaoke night
  • wine/beer tasting
  • make your own buffet for friends:of course you have to eat! Everyone prepares their own recipe, which results in a well-filled table and stomach. And a well-filled evening with friends of course!

Do you have more great tips for a weekend with friends? Please let us know, we will be happy to include them!